Part 7: Wowzee

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As the rain got harder Nilesy quickly held the door open for me and Lia, and we stepped inside instantly being hit in the face with the strong scent of coffee you usually  get in coffee shops. Lia sighed happily, still in a daze and hugged my right arm. I looked around, the place was quite busy, supposedly filled with some random Yognaughts/fans that tried to shelter from the rain. The shop was a fair size, with pretty hot pink and brown wallpaper patterned with elegant flowers and twists. The floor had dark wooded floorboards that were kind of buffed from being walked on alot. The tables and chairs sweetly matched the wallpaper and there was a mixture of soft brown chairs and dark brown weaved chairs. I liked it. I tend to always pay attention to detail, especially for new ideas creative designs. I also like to inwardly see whether our cafe' (called Zazzles) was better or not. Hehe.

''What do ya ladies want? Im buying.'' Nilesy suddenly asked making me jump. 

''Er, are you sure? Because we do have money and..'' I said reaching into my bag to try and find my wallet.

''If I wasnt sure I would'nt have offered, what was it you said you wanted?'' He said walking over to the end of the line next to the counter, leaving me and Lia to follow. 

''Urm, two hot chocolates I guess..'' I said knowing that Lia hated coffee and it was way to cold for a frappucino or a smoothie. Lia looked up at me and pinched my arm. ''Oh! Urm, two hot chocolates PLEASE.'' I said giggling and shaking Lia off of my arm.

''Certainly gals, go find us a seat whilst I get it.'' He said grabbing a tray and moving up the line.

Me and Lia obediantly started scanning the room for a few free seats, when quickly we found a brown plastic couch in the corner with a chair next to it. The table had a few pieces of trash on it but we''ll live. We quickly bagged the seats so no one else could steal them and flopped down onto the leather sofa.

''Can you BELIEVE this? We just met ALL of the yogscast and now we're having Coffee with The on and only scottish god Nilesy!'' Lia said being a bit too loud.

''Sshhhh! And I know. I cant believe it. The only thing that would make it better would be if duncan was here too.'' I said winking at Lia, she was totally in love with him.

''Yeah its a shame..BUT I GOT A HUG FROM HIM AND A HOODIE!'' She said bouncing up and down on the couch making us laugh with excitement.

''We might be able to find him later if Nilesy likes us enough. Wait a minute, does'nt he have that thing where he is afraid to go outside? Its super adorable and all but, what is he doing here? i understand the paper bag...'' I trailed off. 

''Well why dont we ask him? He's coming over now.'' 

A waitress quickly came over and cleared our table just in time for Nilesy to get here with the tray. He handed us our hot chocolates and put out 3 choclate chip muffins on the table.

''Thanks. And geez Nilesy, you must be pretty damn hungry to need three muffins'' I said raising my eyebrowns and giggling.

''Oh of course, Im such a fat-arse! No dont be stupid, they're for you two as well.'' He said unwrapping his own and taking a huge bite. Huh.

Suddenly my tummy growled. Great timing. I didn't realise how hungry I was...I hadn't eaten all day. Shiza. Lia had already picked up her own and was already gulping  her way through it, I had a feeling she'd be buying another one straight after. I picked up my own and tried to take a delicate bite, wanting to not pig out and gross out Nilesy. 

By the time I had finished my own deliceous muffin Nilesy and Lia were just quietly staring at me. Not saying anything.

''What? What are you looking at?'' I said in a panic, now worrying if my hair was a mess, or my makeup was smudged, or if I had like a giant disgusting spot on my face. I quickly covered my face with my hand. ''What is it?!''

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