Part 8: A long night

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Me and Lia caught a taxi back to the hotel in no time. We both raced up the stairs casually tripping eachother up and trying win, being immature,  but at the same time screeching  and creating a lot of noise. We even got some dirty looks from some of the other guests. But this is what life is all about right?

I pulled out my room key from my back pocket  (that was painfully digging into my butt for the hole time I was sitting in the coffee shop) and unlocked the door. Instantly Lia jumped onto her bed and snuggled down, wow she is lazy. I decided to take a hot shower to refresh myself from the cold outside and also in hope to fix my hari from the rain. 

Whilst I was in the shower I replayed what had happened in my head. Did I seriously have coffee, well, hot chocolate,  with Nilesy, or, Liam as he wants me to call him? Or did I just crack and imagine the whole thing? I dont know. But I was seriously happy. 

To reassure myself that I wasnt going crazy, when I got out the shower I asked Lia if everything did really just happen or if I had finally gone insane. She through a Yogscast hoodie at me and told me of course it did. I sighed happily and flopped down on my bed. 

''Is'nt this awesome? Not only did we get coffee with Nilesy but were also meeting him later! I wonder what we'll do?'' I said smiling and glancing over at Lia who was now texting someone on her phone.

''Yeah its awesome..For you. Im not going..'' She said not even looking at me. Oh no.

''Er, why not? Lia this is Nilesy were talkin' bout!'' I said sitting up. Please please please let her not be moody.

''Yeah, Nilesy, the guy YOU like. Im not going cus Im just gonna be a third wheel. Its fine. I'll stay here. Besides we gotta get up early tommorow to get back home in time and I dont wanna be tired.'' She said dropping her phone and heading over to the dresser and grabbing a beuno she bought earlier and unwrapping it. 

''Lia, are you okay? You were fine earlier.''

''I would be fine if duncan was going.''

''Maybe he will? Nilesy might ask him too seeing as he knows you like him.''

''Yeah, thanks to SOMEONE.'' She said huffing and sitting back down on her bed again.

''What? I didn't..'' there was no point. She was in a mood and there was nothing I could do about it Ugh.

''It's fine Ree dont look at me like that. Just go. I'll be fine.'' She said heading to the bathroom.

''You sure..?'' I said warily.

''IM SURE!'' she shouted back. Okay, this is okay..She doesnt mind..I'll  just meet Nilesy and get back quick enough for Lia not to be left lonely..Okay yes.

I quickly moisturised and then pulled on some under wear and a white vest top. Then I went over to my still packed suitcase and wondered what to wear tonight. I hadn't packed anything special seeing as we were only staying the one night and i couldn't wear what I had earlier, as it was all soaked. 

I decided to see if there were any clothes stores around and if so, buy a new outfit. It's not  too over the top right? I quickly pulled on a pair of dry jeans and the teeshirtr, dried my hair, put on a sliver of mascara, pulled on a hoodie and headed out with my wallet in my hand. I had left a note for Lia saying that I went out shopping for a bit and to text me if she wanted to join.

As soon as I got outside I soon realised I had no idea where I  was going. So I  went back in and asked the hotel secretary where the nearest mall was. Turns out it was only a few streets so I followed the instructions she gave me and somehow eventually found it. It wasnt even that big but i headed inside and went over to the nearest clothes shop only to find nothing I liked. I went in and out every clothes store there and eventually found a suitable outfit. It was some thick shiny black leggings, a deep purple floaty top with long puff sleeves, and a cheap knock off leather jacket. I already had some grey vans that I could wear. I paid for the clothes and soon was heading back to the hotel, plastic bag swinging against my leg with each step.  

I got back to the hotel to find Lia on the phone to someone, ignoring me. I got changed into my new outfit and did my makeup again, just like the same, powder, eyeliner, and mascara. I then brushed out my thick and wavy brunette  hair, then slipped on a hairtye in case i needed one. I looked at myself in the mirror and realised how much effort I was going through just for this. I sighed and checked the time, I still had a good 40 minutes before I needed to go anywhere so I decided to check the updates on youtube whilst Lia chatted away on the phone.

A couple of minutes later Lia broke the silence. ''You look nice.'' She said.

''Er, thanks, I only realised i had no nice clothes with me and I did'nt want to look like a slob.''

''I know, for soemone who has no fashion sense you done good.'' She said sighing.

''You sure you dont wanna come tonight?'' 

''Im sure Ree.'' She said a little more sternly.

''Okay. So who was it on the phone?''

''Charlie, my friend. Not that its any of your business.''

''Oh okay. Well, urm, what did he want?''

''He just wanted to know if i wanted to meet him tonigt, i havent seen him in a while.'' Charlie was Lia's ex, and a rather nasty one at that. But I knew she still liked him. Alot.

''Well you said no right? Cus you're here..Ahahaha..'' I said smiling worriedly  at her.

''Actually I said maybe, I might catch the train back tonight. And meet with him later.''

''What? You're gonna leave me?''

''You're not a baby Ree! Geez. Fine I'll stay if you're that scared!''

''Im not but..''

''Forget it, its not like I can have a life or anything right Ree?'' She said stropally grabbing her handbag.

''Where are you going?'' I said standing up getting a little anxious.

''I dont know! Away from here! Im bored! Geez!'' She said storming out. 

''I guess I'll text you later then?'' I called down the hall..I didn't get a reply.

Feeling a little upset I sat down on the bed and sniffed. I reached over to my bedside table and picked up carefully the napkin with Nilesy's hotel address on it I had placed there earlier. Should I really go? What if Lia leaves me? I can't get a train by myself..Ugh...But its Nilesy! I can't pass up tonight..Oh bajeebus what should i do?

I decided to distract myself and text Rara, asking what I should do.

[Hey Rara, I got a problem. Lia might go back tonite to meet with Charlie. :( But i need to stay here. I met someone, and i said i'd meet up with him again tonite. What should i do? Stay here and maybe be abandoned by Lia or Go back with her? Help pls. :( xx]

I sat and huffed wating for a reply. A minute later I heard the ping and opened the message in insane speed. 

[ I doubt Lia will leave you hun. Especially 4 charlie. She knows how u are with trains too! Go out tonite :) U need it. Call if u need me ok? xox]

I felt a little better. Of course Lia wouldn't leave me. She's not like that..I checked the time again and was too bored to wait around for the remaining thirty minutes. So I grabbed my bag and decided to check out the stores that I didnt go in before just for a bit of entertainment. There wasn't much, just a mcdonalds and a whsmith and a couple other stores. I felt a little hungry so I sat in mcdonalds and ordered myself a mcchicken sanwhich and diet coke. I Tried texting Lia to see what shes up to but I  got no reply. So I decided just to keep on texting Ranya. By the time I had finished my food it was a reasonable time to meet Nilesy. So I Caught a taxi and told him the address. 

 Whilst we were driving I got a text from Lia:

[I decided to get the train back to Eastbourne to meet Charlie. C u tomoz. x ]

I felt a ping in my stomach and sighed. This was gonna be a loooong night.

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