Part 4: Part 2

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After the movie finished David turned the lights back on, and we all got up and stretched. Well, apart from Jessie who had curled up against David halfway through the movie and fallen asleep. ''Little cutie.'' David said smiling. He picked her up gently and carried her to her room. I smiled, it was too cute. When David came back, Joey announced that they were out fo snacks and suggested going up to the shop. ''Ill come, i want some chocolate buttons'' Lia said. Tyler said he would go too, and David nodded. Leaving me, Rara and Jerry on our own. ''Actually, im preatty tired so i am going to bed. Goodnight people.'' Ranya said hugging me and smiling at Jerry. Pretty soon me and Jerry were snuggled on the sofa chatting away like usual. 

''So, what you're saying is..i've become a stalker?'' I laughed heartidly at Jerry. ''You're sooo wrong chump.'' I said givign his shoulder a little nudge. 

''Well it seems like it, nowadays working and the Yogscast are all you go on about..i really think you should take a break.....'''Jerrys words trailed off as i entered into a daze, dreaming of what meeting them would be like. I had replayed different scenes in my head over and over since i first knew about it. 

''Ree? Hello? Earth to Ree?GURL!'' I jumped as Jerry shouted in my face. He was leaning right over me ln the sofa, inches away from my face, staring intentlly intio my eyes making my vision blur. ''Eww, you're breathing on me.''I said giggling. Pushed Jerry off me, with him landing on the floor. I then proceeded to pounce off of the sofa and tackled him, pinning him to the floor, then in which he started tickling me on the sides, noooo. 

''Don't you dare!'' I shouted, but it was too late. I was already breathless from laughing, tears streamed down my face as his force got harder and he tickled more. ''Stahpppp!'' I yelled.

''Never!!'' Jerry yelled right back, tickling me even more.

''JERRY NO!! AHAHAHHAA'' I was kicking my legs out this time, barely missing the glass coffee table with all the empyty snack bowls on.

''REE ARE YOU OKAY?!'' Suddenly i heard a frightened sqeaky voice, louder than my laughter. I turned my head slightly to see Ranya clutching a saucepan and standing in the livingroom doorway. Jerry quickly climbed off of me and helped me get up.

''Chill Rara, its just me.'' Jerry said with both hands in the air, trying to calm Ranya down who was frantically shaking. She must've been terrified, with all the shouting and scream-lauyghing i was doing. For all she knew Jerry was a rapist that had climbed through the window and attacked me, and all Ranya could do was grab a saucepan as a sort of liable weapon. Awwh.

''I DONT CARE! YOU ALMOST KILLED REE!'' she shouted hitting Jerry over the head with the saucepan, it was lucky she wasnt all that strong otherwise he couldve been knocked unconcious.

''Owww, calm it girl. Just play fighting'' Jerry said rubbing his head. ''I guess i should go now anyway. It's past midnight and you two have work tomorow.'' 

''But the other guys arent back yet! They went out to buy more snacks so we can watch another movie.'' Ranya protested, looking at me with pleading eyes. ''I thought you were going to bed?'' I asked her. 

''I was but nope.'' She said putting the saucepan back and rejoing us. ''Besides they dont have work tommorow. They have a week off for this Yogscast thing.'' She said bagging a seat on teh sofa.

''Right well urm...i guess i'll stay a little longer. But damn my head hurts Ranya, go get me some ice.''

Ranya looked at me, worried about losing her seat. I rolled my eyes. ''Its'kay. Ill get it. Com'on Jerry.'' I said heading to tthe kitchen. Jerry followed me into the cold room and sat down on a stool, rubbing his ehad more. ''Sorry about Rara, she can be a little excentric sometimes.'' I said bending over to grab a bag of peas out of the freezer. I then brough it over to look and gently lowered it onto his head, stroking his hair in  pityfying way. It looked like it really hurt. ''It's okay. I understand. No more tickling.'' He said with a slight chuckle. i smiled at him and we headed back into the livingroom.

''Everyones back.'' Ranya said, lying down on the sofa and closing her eyes. ''They're in the den.'' She carried on yawning. Its not really a den, just like a second living room. It's a medium-ish sized room with an old cotton sofa, a couple of bean bags, a bookshelf and  a tv with and xbox 360 and Wii hooked up to it. The tv in here is bigger, because its used for gaming mostly. So most of the time we spend our free time in here, hey, its the best place in the house for wifi too.

I came in to see Joey slumped in the beanbag with his head in his hands  and Tyler arguing with Lia. Oh god. Tyler then turned away from a shouting Lia and yelled at me 'IT CANNOT BE DONE!! SHE CANNOT BE TAUGHT HALO!! I HAVE NEVER MET SUCH A BAD GAMER IN ALL MY LIFE OMG!!'' The proceeded to stomp out of the room. I heard the front door bang. 

In between laughing asked Lia what had happened. She said that she begged Tyler to play halo with her, but he was reluctant at first. So Joeysaid he would play with her, then he gave up. So Tyler being a pompous idiot huffed and tried to play it with her, but got blown up to many times by Lia. Thats how the argument started.  I ended up on the floor, laughing like a retarded hyena whilst Lia stomped out the room too yelling that she's going to bed. So now i was left in the room with Joey and Jerry, who were also laughing with me. It was so tempting to play Halo but i was really, really tired.

''You look really, really tired.''Jerry  then said to me after i finished our laughing attack, wiping his eyes. 

''I am. Its been a long day.'' I smiled, getting up and wiping the smudged black mascara from under my eyes away.

''We'll head out then.'' Joey said leaving the room, hoepfully to collect the rest of the boys. 

''Yeah, we should probably go now. Where's David?'' Jerry asked me. I shrugged and headed to the downstairs bathroom, to get a tissue for my eyes. When i was greeted with a horrible sight. It was Jess and David, slobbering all over eachother, i mean kissing. ''Ew guys. Breathe at least. '' I said slamming out of the room. I heard giggling when i left. Jerry suddenly surprised me by being right behind me. He raised his eyebrows at me and i faked being sick and we both laughed. 

''So whatcha gonna do now?'' Jerry asked zipping up his jacket, getting ready to leave. 

''Fall asleep to Nilesy's gorgey scottish voice. '' I said yawning.

''And how, may i ask, are you gonna fall asleep to Nilesy's gorgey scottish voice when he is not here?'' He asked giving me a smirk. 

''Theres a new episode out, durr.'' I said opening the front door and letting them out. Me and Lia said bye to them all, and had to prise Jess off of David. ''Bye babes.'' David said winking at us. 

''I thought you didnt like him?'' I said in my matter-of-factly tone to Jess as she wiped the smeared lipstick from her cheek.

''Well..yeah but, well he's just so..y'know?'' 

''No i dont know. Please explain.'' 

''Well, he's look at him..and..well..'' It turns out Jess's phone is broked so she had a glimpse of reality and saw that David is actually quite hot, well, he is. But i wouldnt go so far as to dating him. There are cuter guys on my mind.

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