Chapter 4

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I walked back to my office, silently considering his absurd offer that came out of nowhere. Why does he want me to be his secretary? Am I greatly skilled or is he using me? But I'm no longer connected to my late parents' company....what could he get out of me if he wanted that? Maybe I'm just overthink it....

I didn't realize I had reached the entrance to my office but before I went in I overheard some passing by employees talking about me.

"Sir Nanami asked her to be his secretary."

"But she just started working here," another person added. 

"Did she buy her way in? She probably did seeing how rich her parents were. They probably left tons of money in her possession." 

I scoffed when I heard the statement the last woman had added. They think I bought my way in...If only these pathetic people knew what I went through. All they do is spread filthy rumors because they can't do anything proper for once in their life so they try destroy others. How pitiful 

Time skip- Lunch,12pm 

I made my way into the company's cafeteria to grab a light lunch before I continued working on some paperwork. When I walked inside everyone was staring at me. They all made rude comments about me getting chosen to be Sir Nanami's secretary. I just ignored them and continued to get my food.

I fricking hate being in the spotlight. I hate being the center of attention. Why did they even spread those rumors when they don't even know what exactly happened. All they can do is look down on others. Fricking pathetic trash. 

I left and went back to my office. I could feel death glares from everyone, piercing my back as I walked. That didn't bother me at all though, the opinions of others mattered not to me. Whatever stupid comment they said didn't do anything or made a difference in my life. 

I entered my office, sat down and enjoyed my sandwich alone, peacefully. Silence was something I loved. It kept me relaxed, it made me not worry about my surroundings. When I was younger, even though I had parents, the most they did for me was yell at me and shove money in my face. They always locked me up in my room, never letting me play outside or go anywhere with them. I did live in a mansion and you may think that I'd have everything I wanted...but it was the opposite. Money couldn't buy what I wanted the most in the world- being sincerely loved was something I never experienced. I never heard my parents tell me they loved me neither did I have friends to be told they loved me or at least appreciated me....I did have my aunt but it never felt sincere. Sometimes it felt forced and I could tell by her eyes. She was fine with taking care of me but it was hard for her too. She was not always around to guide me.

I was all alone. Learning and comprehending things on my own. That's how I grew up to be like this. Soft yet bitchy. This all would have ended years ago at the Norami Bridge but something in me told me not to jump so I made up my mind and decided to face my problems instead of running away. 

Time skip 9pm -

"Y/N wake up." 

I opened my eyes abruptly taking in my surroundings. Oh shit did I fall asleep in my office?! And who's voice did I just hear- 

My eyes terribly adjusted to the darkness and I saw Sir Nanami leaning on the door frame at the entrance of my office. 

"Uh....what are you doing here Sir?"- Y/n 

"It's time for you to leave, it's already past 9." 

Oh my, I overslept. No when did I even fall asleep? What am I doing?! Why do I feel so tired these past days....

"Oh right, yes I just need to get my things but you can go ahead first." -Y/N

"Who said I was waiting on you?" He had a smirk plastered on his face before walking out. 

"Ugh that jerk! You embarrass me so much! You could have at least responded nicely instead of saying that! Why did you even come here to tell me to leave if you're gonna have that attitude!" -Y/n

I walked out my office and closed the door but when I turned to head out Sir Nanami was leaning against the wall, waiting. So close to my office....he must have heard everything. "Oh fuck me", I muttered under my breath when my eyes met his. He probably heard everything, every single word...since those damn walls were thin. 

Instead of approaching him I just walked right past him. Not caring to make eye contact or bidding farewell, but as I was inches away from his body I felt him grab my hand. His grip was strong. I turned around to face him with a confused look on my face. 

"Um...Sir what are you doing? Do you need something?"- Y/N 

"I waited for you, so walk with me."  -Nanami 

Without letting me have any sort of reaction he started walking, my hand still tightly gripped in his. His hands were huge...well they were bigger than mine. One of his hand could probably hold both of mine together. Wait Y/N what are you thinking....get those dirty thoughts out of your mind. I shook my head, then slowly removed Sir Nanami's hand from mine. He gave me a 'what do you think you're doing' look and I shot back a 'trying to ease the awkwardness' look. 

What? Did he want to keep holding my hand as we walked to the exit of the building? Why do I even have to walk with him? Forget about that.....he's really tall for a guy like him though. He's also neatly dressed and well organized and he..smelt kind of good. Ooooou but imagine getting him angry. I'd want to see him like that at least once. 

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard him speak. "Well good night Y/N and have a safe trip home. Keep a look out of your surroundings also."  I just nodded and walked away, making my way towards the bus stop. Thankfully the bus arrived quickly and I got on and went home. 

Later that night I decided to accept Sir Nanami's offer because it could mean a higher salary. I might be able to go places if I'd have to accompany him on business trips so it was a win-win situation. I'd now be able to pay him back faster for damaging his suit. Having to think that much made me sleepy so I went to bed to ease all my stress. 

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