Chapter 7

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I had arrived quite early at K.S.C but before i had entered the building my head began thudding again, sending shockwaves throughout my brain. I fidgeted in my purse looking for the pills I had thrown in and quickly popped two in my mouth. The bitter taste always made me gag so I hurried to my office to chug some water. As it was quite early, hardly any of my coworkers were there so I went down to the library. Rows and rows of books were stacked upon shelves, the smell of old pages filled the air. Reading was a favorite hobby of mine but I never usually got to because of my busy schedule. There were so many books to choose from and of different genres. I ended up settling for a simple thriller mixed with murder type book since I loved horror.

"When you fully trust someone without any doubt, you finally get one of two results: a person for life or a lesson for life."

Those were the words written in the book. It meant a lot to me, seeing the position I was in. My past wasn't that great nor was my present any different. I had no one to trust so I simply just trusted only myself. I was so focused on reading that I got carried away with the time. When I checked it was 9:36, I was 36 minutes behind schedule.

Oh I so hope he isn't going to be angry at me for this. Damnit! I should hurry back.

I went in the direction of my office but I was rudely interrupted when I heard someone yell my name.

"Y/N! Where are you going young woman? The CEO has been looking for you for the past 20 minutes now! You should hurry to his office before things get out of hand." That was the voice of my assistant manager yelling at me. "Yes, my apologies I'll be on my way now."

I dashed down the corridor with my book in my hand and some files. I knocked on Sir Nanami's door then entered upon his command. He gave me a deadly glare before opening his mouth. I took a seat and was ready to hear it. Fuck, let's prepare for the worst.

"Tardiness is not tolerated here. I hope you'll know to not be late next time."-Nanami

"I'm sorry. I was carried away in the library. I had arrived a bit too early...but again my apologies Sir." -Y/N

"Now other than that, I have a suggestion to make. I'd like you to accompany me on a business trip overseas. It'll last 3 days and you'll be provided with a place to stay at a hotel." -Nanami

TRAVELING? YES! I DONT CARE WHERE WE'RE GOING BUT I'M GLAD I'LL BE GOING! I'm definitely gonna accept the offer no doubt.

"When will we be leaving?" Asking that confirmed that I was going and Sir Nanami knew what I meant by it. I could see a small smile forming on his face when he heard my response. When all the important things were sorted out I was about to get up but Sir Nanami spoke again.

"I saw what you did to the guy....that night. Good of you to stand up for yourself but who knew you could be so fierce. I don't think he's going to harass you anymore because you gave him a good fright but if he does come back don't hesitate to call for my help." -Nanami

WHAT?! HE saw me?! So he didn't leave early that day- oh no he's going to think I'm crazy. Was he spying on me..... how did he know I was there- maybe it's all just a coincidence.

For some reason he had put more emphasis on the fierce part while he was talking and he also looked at me with a grin. His eyes were wandering all over me. I could sense lust deep down in his eyes but they were held back by force.

Ooooooooouuuuu looks like Sir Nanami is a different man on the inside. Wait- is he interested in me-? No no Y/N stop overthinking . WAIT....if I'm thinking this then does that mean...I LIKE HIM?! No no no no no. Calm down relax ok ok calm down relax ok .

" saw that....I was just defending myself. But enough about me, I should take my leave now." -Y/N

I quickly walked out his office and stopped to process everything my brain took in. He wanted me to go overseas with him, he called me fierce and he wants me to rely on him... Something's definitely fishy here. I snapped back to reality when I realized I had spent too long staring into space overthinking everything.

Time skip- 9:40 pm

I was packing my belongings when I heard a knock at my office door. To my surprise it was Sir Nanami holding what looked like the book I was reading earlier this morning. "You forgot this in my office," he said in a low tone. He looked pale and weak and was barley making it to stand. "Sir , are you alright? Are you feeling well? Should I get some water?" I was worried about him so I sat him down on the couch in my office and went to get some water for him. When I came back he had passed out on the couch. I shook him to try waking him up but he didn't budge. I even slapped him but he didn't open his eyes.

Oh my god. What am I going to do with this man?! Most of the other employees had left so there was no one to ask for help. Where does he live? I DONT KNOW WHERE THIS MAN LIVES! What should I do? What should I do? He's most likely not going to wake up anytime soon. OH MY GOD THINK Y/N THINK.

"Taxi! Taxi! Over here." I called out, waving my hand. The car pulled over and I threw my purse inside and asked the driver to wait.

"Oh my god why are you so darn heavy?! I should be getting a bonus added to my paycheck for this." I was struggling to lift Sir Nanami to the taxi but with every effort I made I finally reached the door. I opened it and settled him down in the back seat of the car then I went in after him. "Please take us to west Hoku street," I told the driver then we took off.

I looked over at Sir Nanami who was in an uncomfortable position while he was half passed out half asleep. I took his head and rested it upon my shoulder to ease it from paining. His jawline was sharp and his hair was fluffy and messed up. His tie was out of place and his shoulders were broad. His breathing was steady and his body gave off warmth. His special scent was still there and it smelled quite good. I wanted to engross myself with his warmth but that would be weird. For some odd reason I wanted to hug him and touch his hair.....

Hol up Y/N. Let's discuss this with your brain and heart first before we mess up. It's fine I'm just acknowledging his special features.....Yeah right you said that before too. Don't foolishly catch feelings for a man you don't know anything about.

"We're here ma'am. Would you like me to help you carry your boyfriend for you?" The taxi driver innocently said.

"No no he's not my boyfriend, but yes I'd like some help here. He's really heavy to carry. Just follow me, my apartment is right over there." I politely said as I showed him the way.

The taxi driver left him halfway at the entrance of the complex and I had to find a way to carry him up those stairs....God pray for my back and I hope I don't fall down the stairs with him. After some time I finally made it to my room. I placed him on my couch and went to get some water. I had tried all the ways possible to wake this man but he just wouldn't open his eyes. I repositioned his body properly on the couch , taking off his shoes and his tie and his suit. Leaving him in his white shirt and pants with his socks on.

Damn this man is SCRUMPTIOUS but he sleeps like a rock. I sure hope he doesn't kill me for bringing him to my home.....

"Sir.....I know you probably won't remember this but, I really hope you don't think of me doing this as a burden to you. You could use this as payback for your suit I ruined. Also, you know you're a very polite and generous man. I really hope you see that and please don't overwork yourself. I don't want you to turn out how my parents did. You should live life doing what you love and shouldn't hold yourself back. I don't even know why I'm telling you this but I really hope we get along as I work with you. You seem like someone I can trust.....I really hope you aren't like the others." -Y/N

I wiped the tears rolling down my face and tried to hold in my sobs. There was something different about this man. I could feel it in my gut.

I clasped his hands tightly together and moved the strand of hair from his face. "I gotta admit you're a handsome guy." I chuckled at the thought of imagining the expression he'd make if he actually heard me say it. As I was about to get up I felt his hands grip mine. "Don't go.....," he softly said as he held onto my hand. He was still peacefully asleep so I sat on the ground beside him on the couch and slowly caressed his hand. Eventually I had fallen asleep before I knew it.

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