Chapter 6

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"Shut the hell up woman! You spent 7 million dollars on a designer store and got nothing out of it! What the fuxk were you thinking?!"-Y/N's father 

"The heck do you care?! You waste your money at stupid clubs and bring random women in our house every night! I should be the one yelling at you for your absurd actions!"

"How dare you talk back to me you fuxking bitch!"

Y/N's mom had a red handprint on her face. He slapped her. My father just slapped my mom right infront of me....

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU CRAZY PEOPLE?! CAN'T YOU AT LEAST PRETEND YOU LOVE YOUR DAUGHTER AND LOVED YOUR LIFE?! AND FATHER---", I was cut from completing my sentence when I felt a hand grab a huge clump of my hair and started to drag me by it.

My father aggressively pulled me down the hall and didn't hesitate to throw me inside my room before locking the door. I started banging on the door pleading for them to let me out.

"If you don't shut the hell up and desist from hitting the door I swear I'll come in there and give you something to cry about!"- Y/N's father

"Get your lousy ass over here and come fix this matter woman. I need back my 7 million by the end of tomorrow. If I don't get it by then,say goodbye to that precious face of yours." -Y/N's father

I started to breathe heavily as I awoke from that horrible nightmare. Everything seemed blurry and my thoughts were jumbled. I felt anger and sadness as I recalled the dream.

It was about one of the many fights I witnessed my parents went through. They always argued everyday, whether it was about money, the company or my dad bringing home women.
My parents never got along well. Since their marriage, everything crumbled. They were forced by their parents to marry each other in order to help the company and strengthen the bond between company partners.
Every single memory of my past life was horrible. It always contained getting screamed at, getting locked up and starved and getting abused often.

I felt stuffy in my apartment so I decided to go outside and buy ice cream at the local convenient store close by to ease my mind.

I wasn't in the mood to eat anything too special so I just bought a normal chocolate flavoured ice cream.

While I was walking back to my apartment I noticed someone who looked close to my age getting cornered by some guys. Are they beating him up? Should I step in? But what can someone like me do to a bunch of guys- "like hell I'll just stay here a watch", I said before I walked towards them. I was expecting them to yell at me or push me or something but they fearfully backed away. I did absolutely nothing scary, all I had was a bucked of ice cream in my hand and I had on my pajamas. What's so scary about that?

They left without me even speaking a word which was quite odd. I went to help the guy who they had beaten up. He had bruises on his face and knees and he was tainted in blood. I helped him up and surprisingly he lived in the same complex I did and he was just one floor higher than mine. I voluntarily took him to his apartment and went to get bandages and plasters to help him stop the bleeding.

"My name's Sukuna. What's yours?" -Sukuna

Hmmm Sukuna.....what a unique name but I feel like I've heard it before.

" Oh, I'm Y/N. Coincidentally I live just one floor below yours." - Y/N

He wasn't seriously injured so patching him up was very easy. He was.... quite fit so I didn't understand why he hadn't fought back. He could have beaten them up easily just by looking at his physique. He was tall, had an undercut and his hair was pink. His voice was on another level. It was even better than Sir Nanami's voice. He had red eyes which was very unique.

"I should get going now. You'll be fine since the injuries aren't serious."-Y/n
"When will I be able to meet you again? You're quite close to my type."-Sukuna

What. What? What?! How did my brain not process that- who is this man and why is he so open. I only just helped him but now....what have I gotten myself into.

I laughed awkwardly before replying, "well you're not my type so maybe never again." After that was said I left without looking back. He didn't seem annoyed but instead he seemed intrigued. Worst part of it was that I lived so close to him. Our paths could easily be crossed daily and that just made me sank into the ground.

There was nothing wrong with him. It's just that he's probably like that with all the women he met and it's.....just not ok.

Next morning~

I awoke with a severe headache so I grabbed some pills and shoved it in my purse before I had gotten ready. I ate breakfast and made lunch since the cafeteria's food started to get plain and tasteless.

As soon as I took my first step outside, my eyes met glowing red orbs infront of me. Sukuna.

"How did you know my apartment number? And why are you here? Didn't I make it clear that I wasn't interested. Plus I was just helping you because you were beaten up. Don't think anything of it." -Y/N

" Calm down. Calm down. I'm not here to hit on you woman. I just want to get to know you. I need more friends." -Sukuna

" Pfftt. What a lame excuse. More friends? Do I look like I'm interested in being friends with you?" -Y/N

" I have to go now. Don't stay here. Just leave." -Y/N

And with that I left for work. Ready to deal with another stress. Sir Nanami.

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