° Chapter 13 °

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I pushed him out of my room and dragged him to the door. I shoved him outside not caring if he injured himself while getting shoved but he suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me out with him. He grabbed both of my arms and clamped it together with his which made it hard for me to break loose.

"You're coming with me."-Sukuna

He tightly grabbed onto my hands and pulled me downstairs. We were out on the streets when a black SUV van pulled up out of nowhere and I got shoved into it. I was welcomed to two other guys in the back seat of the car who had scars all over their face and hands. Sukuna had tied my hands with rope that he got from the trunk of the car and also tied my feet. I was unable to move or speak out of mere shock but was trying to comprehend what was going on.
Why is Sukuna doing this? What the fuxk does he want from me?! Where are they taking me?! Oooooooh I'm so going to die.....

I calmed my nevers and slowly took deep breaths before saying a single word. I was observing my environment and the names of the streets they were driving through.
"Someone mind explaining to me what's going on? I'd at least like to know the reason for your actions before I end up dying." -Y/N

I heard a slight chuckle coming from one of the guys next to me. One of them was very tall and the other one was probably my height. I managed to overhear the name of one of them which was Ryu. Ryu was the tall one with a slightly deep voice. He had a scar by his left eye and he had tattoos on his neck. They both seemed like gangsters as well as the driver in front. What ties do they have with Sukuna? Wait.....Fuxk! Sukuna works for Mahito...and Mahito hates my entire family- IS HE GOING TO TAKE ME TO HIM SO THAT HE CAN KILL ME HIMSELF??!! no no y/n you can't die like this-

I was interrupted from my delusional thoughts when i heard Sukuna's voice.

"Where does your Aunt live?" -Sukuna

"And why would i tell you that? What are you planning on doing to her?" -Y/N

"I'll make you watch as I put a bullet through her head." -Sukuna

Well fuxk my life. I didn't think I'd ever have to see her die this way...... WHY DOES HE EVEN NEED TO KILL HER?! SHE ISN'T EVEN INVOLVED IN ANY ONE OF HIS SCAMS!

"Ha you're wrong if you think I'm going to tell you that easily. Go fuxk yourself bich." -Y/N

I received a hard slap to the face after I spat at Sukuna. Ryu and the other guys were both laughing at how Sukuna got mad over some silly rude comment I made. I looked around and saw that we had come to a complete stop. Sukuna got out of the van from besides me and dragged me to the edge of a bridge. I was only held up by the grip of Sukuna's muscular hand from falling to my tragic death into polluted waters down below.

"Are you threatening me? Try me bich. I'm ready to die. Haha you made the wrong choice getting me angry like this. You won't benefit from my stubborn behavior. So it's either--" -Y/N

"I got my guys watching Nanami. One wrong word and I'll give order to shoot. Now shut up before I kill both you and Nanami." -Sukuna

Oh no he did not- not Nanami....what did Nanami do to him?! He's using him for leverage. That bich. I shouldn't get Nanami involved in this....

"Fine. Fine. Leave Nanami out of this. He did nothing wrong...". -Y/n 

I told him her address and he pulled me up back from the hanging position. I was left gasping for air as he left me, walking back to the van. I couldn't escape because both my hands and feet were tied which restricted me from running away. I slowly walked back , knowing that soon I'd have to witness the cold blooded murder of my aunt. I got into the van but when I was about to seat myself properly I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head before everything turned black.

Time Skip : hours from now (time unknown) 

My face was pressed against the cold ground. My jaws were numb and I was paralyzed. I couldn't move any muscle in my body. My eyes were the only functioning thing working at the moment and it was all they needed to torture me. Infront of me stood Sukuna, Ryu and his other friend. They were all gathered around someone sitting on a chair...tied up also. Is that my aunt? I only got a glimpse of the person's face but I could tell it surely looked like my aunt. She had blood stains on her face and clothes. She looked dreadful and tired, haggard-out the most. She was sitting there, both hands and feet tied to the chair and mouth covered with duct tape.
I saw Sukuna positioning his hand, holding a pistol, pointing it straight at my aunt's head. He was actually going to do it....

I closed my eyes when i heard the loud bang. I could hear confusion and panicking all around me. I could still hear the tiny squeals coming from my aunt. She wasn't dead yet...so what was that bang about- I opened my eyes and saw Ryu pointing his gun at Sukuna. Ryu had shot Sukuna in the leg. Ryu was standing infront of someone but his huge body blocked my view from seeing the person behind him. I struggled to get up but finally made it. I was on my knees looking at the horrific actions taking place in front of me. I peeped over Ryu's shoulder and saw the back of someone familiar. NANAMI??! IS THAT NANAMI?!
It was indeed Nanami standing next to Ryu. They both looked like they knew each other which was quite shocking. I started to make a commotion on the ground so he could see me and he finally did. He came running over to me with a worried look on his face. He had left Ryu to deal with Sukuna and the others while he untied me.
"What are you doing here? How did you know I was here? How do you know Ryu??" -Y/N

"Calm down, calm down. I'll fill you in later. Let's just get your aunt and you out of here. Ryu will take care of these pricks." -Nanami

He helped me up and I ran to my aunt dodging the crossfire along the way. Ryu was shooting at Sukuna who was trying to shoot me. I quickly untied my aunt and ran back to safety next to Nanami where he took us outside. I hadn't even a chance to look around to see where we were because i got knocked out on spot in the car.

The three of us left an abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere and took off leaving Ryu behind.

"So how's Ryu going to get back safely? Was he working undercover? I thought he was on those guys side..." -Y/N

I looked over to my aunt who had passed out on the back seat of Sir Nanami's car. She had deep cuts on both of her wrists which revealed that she was tied up for a long time and had been struggling.

"What day is it?" -Y/N

"It's Wednesday..." -Nanami


"You were kidnapped on Monday. The things I did just to find you.....UGH I'm sorry I took so long." -Nanami

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