Chapter 9~

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We pulled up at a very interesting restaurant. It was designed in an old-fashioned way with wooden tables, lamps and an open concept showcasing the city below.

We both took a seat at the back of the restaurant and got settled down waiting for our order to arrive when I noticed something was off. There were 4 guys wearing all black with hats on suspiciously glancing over at us. I didn't inform Nanami since I could just be overthinking it. The silence devoured us, creating an awkward atmosphere between us making it hard to look at him so I adverted my attention to the 4 guys. They were all scattered in different tables in the restaurant but they were also glancing at each other. This made me feel uneasy.

"Hey Nanami--" -Y/n

"About Sukuna--" -Nanami

We both spoke the same time cutting each other off. I looked over at him with a serious look.

"Say what you must." -Y/n

"I- I actually know him. I've known him for a long time now because he used to work with me...." -Nanami

" You know him? So why did you act like that infront of him? You reunited with him once again so you should be happy. " -Y/n

" No that's not the thing--" -Nanami

"Here's your meal. "

We both looked up to see the waiter who brought our food infront of us.

hmmmm so he knows Sukuna.....very interesting. He doesn't seem like to one to have friends like Sukuna though-

Without further continuing our convo we both dug in, enjoying the delicious meal prepared for us.
As I finishing everything I got up, headed in the direction of the bathroom but I felt Nanami's hand on mine.
What's wrong now- does he have separation anxiety...Lmao no it's probably something else.

"Sir?" -Y/n

He pointed at the bathroom and there was a guy waiting there in all black. It seemed like he was waiting for someone. He had his hands in his pockets fidgeting around. I looked over at Nanami then sat back down giving him a 'wtf do we do now look.
He came closer to me and spoke in a low tone, "they look like they're after us..... I noticed them observing us as we came in."
So he noticed them too... I guess it's serious then.

I glanced over at the guy by the bathroom who looked like he was about to do something crazy. He locked eyes with me and slightly smirked before pulling something out from the back of him.


I was brought back to reality when I felt Nanami tugging at my sleeve.

"Get up. We're leaving." He said in a serious tone. I watched him pay the bill and got his keys but as we were about to walk out we heard screaming and a loud bang.


I looked back to face the crisis that fell upon us. People were hiding under tables and there was a dead body on the floor. Blood was oozing out of his neck where the bullet wounded him. Screams were echoing in the restaurant which was now chaotic.
There at the far back of the restaurant was the guy holding his gun up, pointing it towards us, smirking. "You fuxking bitch. I'll get you back for this," I mouthed before flipping him off then running out of the restaurant with Nanami.

"What was that?! What's happening in there?! Who are those people?! I have so many questions-" -Y/n

" Calm down ,calm down. Let's call the cops and get out of here." -Y/n

Time skip 5pm

I was still in Nanami's car. We were both shocked about the situation that took place earlier. Gunshots, screaming, blood and shouting filled my mind. Those people didn't give a damn who they killed and they seem to know their target. Us. They didn't follow us after we ran out but also fled the scene of the crime.

What's the cause of all this? Why is this happening? And whom are they after? Could it be us? But why? I'm merely an employee at K.S.C . I've never gotten into serious trouble like that. Was it Nanami? Does he have some sort of secret? Does he know something I don't?

With all that went down today and the slow moving traffic I dozed off in the front seat of Nanami's car feeling a sense of comfort being with him.

Nanami's pov~

I looked over at her peacefully sleeping next to me. She looked so calm and angelic but deep down she was fierce. I took my overcoat and covered her from the cold so she could sleep more comfortably.

Why do I feel this way? I feel at ease around this woman.....What kind of spell has she casted on me? I- I like being around her. She isn't afraid to speak about what's on her mind and she stands up for herself and others. She's unique~

Ah Nanami what are you babbling about. You don't love her, you merely find pleasure having her company. But.....the circumstances can change over time. Remember what happened the last time you let someone into your heart?


"Ah sht I held up the traffic." -Nanami

I couldn't take her home for it would be quite dangerous leaving her around Sukuna. I don't know who they're after or what they're after but the best thing to do was take her to my place. No one knows where I live so it's safe for now.

I drove in silence back home. I glanced over at Y/n a few times admiring her sleeping face. She was calmer than expected seeing how she dealt with the current situation that took place. Before I pulled up at my driveway I she had awoken on her own. She was silent, observing her surroundings, taking all the small details in.

End of Nanami's pov~

I could her the tiny bricks being crushed between the tires of the car. The sound of crickets and movement next to me were also heard.

Where am I? This place seems unfamiliar. Waaaaaiiitttt.......Is he driving over to his house?! I- I mean it's a good idea since those people might follow us but- wow I'll be the first person to see where Nanami lives~

We pulled up at the front of a huge gate. It was tall, encrusted with the letters N.K on it's design but what was more interesting was what's behind it. What my eyes witnessed was unexpected.

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