Chapter 21

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Nanami's Pov~

I scanned every floor of the abandoned building but couldn't find anything unusual or signs of struggle or life. I went back outside to the car but didn't see any signs of Y/N. Where is she? Is she still looking? She should be back by now....

I took my gun out from the car, just in case there was something wrong. I entered through the broken window and saw footprints in the dust. It matched Y/N's shoes so I followed it, shining the torchlight, looking around the dust filled room. Her prints led to the second floor and stopped by an ajar door. "Y/N?" I called out, but there was no response. I pushed the door only to see an empty room. Something was off, there was a smell of melted wax and the dust on the floor was interrupted with. There was a trail traced in the dust which looked like someone was being dragged.


I ran through the entire corridor and checked all the rooms but there was no sign of her. The trail in the dust lead back downstairs but abruptly stopped in the center of the room. There was nothing there, just darkness and the smell of damp wood. I shone the torchlight all around the room and surprisingly found my light reflecting on something. It was Ryu's phone. Was this a trap?! Did he set us up!? Did they take Y/N along with Ryu?! Whatever it is I have to find them before it's too late...

Just as I was about to leave I heard Ryu's phone ring. The hell- I checked the phone and saw that Y/N was calling. I quickly answered it but I was heartbroken and filled with anger as I heard her speak.
"N-Nanami....please....h-help us. I-I'm with Ryu right now but we're trapped—". Her voice was shaky and sounded distorted. She was whispering and I could hear the sound of chains clattering together.

"Y/n, where are you?! Just tell me where you are, I'm going to find you. Please d-don't worry."

I hated the fact that this had happened. I hated the fact that Sukuna would go this far for revenge. I hated the fact that he led her to Mahito. I hated the fact that I had a feeling I'd not make it.
The fuxk am I thinking?! I'm going to make it! I'll save both of them. I just need time!

"Y/N? Can you hear me? Can you describe your surroundings? Do you see anything familiar? Y/N?" -Nanami

"I-I'm here, ummm I don't k-know. I didn't see when they brought me. I was knocked out." -Y/n

I could hear her whispering, asking Ryu if he knew where they where. Thankfully, he had managed to catch a glimpse before getting dragged down there.

"Nanami, it's me, Ryu. When we were coming in I heard machinery and there was this type of smell...oil? I can't remember but that's all I got. We're in some type of room...OMG WE GOTTA GO—" -Ryu

"RYU?! Y/N?!" All that was heard was beeping. The call had ended with Ryu being startled. Machinery? Oil- WHERE THE HELL AM I GOING TO FIND THIS PLACE- THERE'S SO MUCH CONSTRUCTION GOING ON EVERYWHERE. WAIT-

I got into my car and drove to K.S.C. Everyone was staring at me because I was gone for days and I had left my position to Megumi. The reason for me being there was because I remembered getting a contract about a building getting demolished soon and it was near an oil station. Could there be where Sukuna took them? But why? Who cares, I just need to find the damn address!

I rushed to my office and tumbled through the stack of old documents in the confidential section of the cupboard. FOUND IT! The building was indeed next to an Oil station which had construction going on which explained the sound of machinery Ryu had mentioned. The location was about 30 minutes away from K.S.C. I ran out of the office not caring about my employees nor my physical state. I was agitated, angry and frustrated because there was no telling what Mahito would do to Y/N and what Sukuna would do to Ryu. I hurriedly got into my car and drove in the direction of the soon-to-be demolished building. I was going in blindly but that didn't stop me. The only thing on my mind was saving them. They were the only close people I had by my side...

End of Nanami's POV~

As Ryu was talking to Nanami I heard footsteps getting louder and louder as they approached the door. I quietly signaled to Ryu, making him hang up out of shock. The door flung open and to our expectation it was Sukuna. He stood towering over us, looking at us with deadly piercing eyes. He aggressively tugged at the chains on our feet, making it pain.

"Look at you pitiful creatures. Who's going to save you now? Just wait until Mahito gets his hands on you, bich." -Sukuna

"Funny how you're just being controlled by him. You're his toy, his're just someone he's using. If I die at least it won't be in vain, unlike you. You—" I felt a sting in my cheek. He slapped me hard enough making my lips bleed. "You know I'm saying the truth." He seemed more pissed as I spoke. He tightly grabbed my face and squeezed it before speaking. "I'd watch my mouth if I were you. Mahito hates disobedient toys." He loosened his grip but grabbed my leg, unlocking the chain clamped around my ankle. He did the same for Ryu then dragged us both out of the dark room into a wide open space. There was a man sitting on a chair, his back facing us. He spoke without turning around in a deep voice.

"Well if it isn't Y/N, the last of the Geto's family. The last one left to kill~"
"I'm sure you should know me by now. I'm the one that ruthlessly killed your parents then made it look like an accident. You know it was nice feeling their warm blood as it splattered on my face when I shot them~" -Mahito

"You crazy fuxking psychopath. You're just an impatient little bich who didn't get loved by his family so you spent your life ruining others." -Y/n

"Well you're a fierce one. Not at all like your parents, who begged for me to spare them. It was nice watching them beg." -Mahito

"Shut up! You're a maniac! LET US GO! WE DID'NT DO ANYTHING!" -Y/N

"Let you go? I'm afraid I can't do that. You see, I promised myself I'd eliminate your entire bloodline so there's no stopping here hunny." -Mahito

He finally turned around to face us. He had stitches all over his body and he had long light blue hair. His eyes were dark and empty, almost looking soulless. He walked closer to us, looking like he was going to tear out our throats. No sht he looked scary like if he was a devil. What was I thinking- he's totally going to kill us! Where's Nanami?!

We need Nanami.....

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