Chapter 2

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II: Realization

"We drink the poison our minds pour for us and wonder why we feel so sick"

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"We drink the poison our minds pour for us and wonder why we feel so sick"


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I got no sleep that night, I was left tossing and turning in my bed wondering about my newfound mate. Earlier that day still rang in my head.

I dully stared at my father as he argued with himself over something, something he wanted me to care about, something that I would probably never care about. I watched him pace his office, throw his arms up in anger, send me glares every time I did not respond to a question he asked.

Then I felt deep claws digging into my mental barrier and my eyes quickly snapped to him. "Are you even listening to me?" He asked his voice laced with anger.

In all honesty I had drowned out what he was saying the moment we stepped into his office. In this office I was constantly reminded that I would never amount to him. Would never save as many as he did. Would never have as many people love me as loved him. 

It was a constant reminder that I will forever remain in his shadows. Anything that I do is always compared to him, my powers, my fighting, my wits, even the way I talk to women. At first it was flattering, I wanted to be just like my father. I looked up to him, saw him as a God even. But now it's just a reminder that although I am like my father, I will never be as good as him.

"Was I supposed to be?" I asked my voice emotionless. His eyes burning with rage starred deeply into my own eyes, that were filled with boredom.

"My loving boys." My mom said as she walked into the office. Her mere presence took the edge off of the both of us. Despite always having to try and live up to my father and failing miserably, I would never have to fight for the role of son. "I hope you two aren't fighting." She sent a wary warning glance to my dad.

"You can't fight with someone who shows no emotion." My dad remarked. "I think the city could burn down today and he wouldn't do so much as lift a finger."

"You know that's not true." My mother hissed.

"It is." I responded with a smile.

I wouldn't lift a finger because my dad would have already beat me to it and saved the day. Even if I tried to lift a finger, tried to help in any way it wouldn't be comparable to my dad. But if the city was to truly fall and if I could help in any way I would, I would give my life for the city, the people.

"Nyx." My mom hissed at me now.

"See." He said throwing his arms up in exasperation. "He doesn't care, and we cannot make him."

"I don't see the problem." I mused as I stood from my seat. "You have given me responsibilities in court, and I am doing my job wonderfully. If you want me to guard the city than make my job to be a guard of the city and I would guard it."

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