Chapter 2: The Outcast (edited)

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It is the second year of the school year and the talented but lonely Aleksandra is miserably staying in her room as her parents fight downstairs. She made several attempts to send letters to the twins, but they never wrote her back. She didn't even know if they got them or read them, but she now understood that they were not just ignoring her but avoiding her. She wanted to go fly her broom, but her father took everything and locked it away and told her she could get it back in August when they got her ready for school. She didn't know what the issue was, but her father was treating her like a prisoner. When it was quiet downstairs, she walked down the steps to peek around the corner to have a lamp thrown at the wall above her head. She screamed and ran back up the stairs to the safety of her room. When August finally rolled around her father had thrown her trunk into her room and it dumped everything on her floor. She spent the whole day packing everything all back up. The week after she got her book list, and her mother went with her after her father went to work. It was nice to be out of the house and she was in a good mood until her mother opened her mouth. "Aleksandra...Your father and I are rearranging for you to stay elsewhere whenever you come home for the summers... It's best if you don't come home at all anytime soon after school starts up." Her words slammed against Alek's chest like a bullet. Her parents didn't want her home. "We were talking to a friend of ours if they could house you while we get things done. I-" Alek cuts her off. "Why are y'all trying to get rid of me? What did I do wrong? Are you divorcing because of me?" Tears had started to well at the side of her eyes. Her mother didn't know what she said. "Oh Molly! My dear old friend!" She waves at the little woman who was standing beside two boys that were almost taller than her. "OH, my Godric Islay is that you?" the two hugged as Alek had looked away from the twins so she could wipe her eyes before they could see, but they did notice.

George's POV

Fred and I were standing next to mum waiting on her mystery friend when we heard some call mum's name. We looked over and saw Aleksandra wiping at her eyes as though she had been crying. I looked over at Fred who also seemed to have noticed and we both flanked her and pulled her off to the side. "Why are you crying?" Fred asked a little too coldly to be comforting so I elbowed him. I have never seen Aleksandra's head whip up so fast as she glared at us. "It's none of your business Weasley. You have no right to pretend to be my friend after you ignored me last year and never wrote me back all summer! So, if I seem pissed off or upset don't bother asking, because we both know you two don't care enough!" she said seething as she stomped away. "Georgie how do you think someone so small can hold that much anger?" Fred asked me, staring at her. "And did you get any letters from her?" We looked at each other and went to mum. "Mum?" I asked, "Yes Fred?" she asked, looking at us. "I'm Fred!" Fred stated in mock surprise. "I'm sorry George. what seems to be the issue?" She looked at us with a raised eyebrow. "Did we get any letters from Alek?" We asked together and mothers face twisted in confusion. "I didn't get any mail for you besides Lee's...why?" She looked at whom we presumed was Alek's mother. "Aleksandra said she wrote us letters and was upset we never wrote back." That's when we noticed her mother's face. "Islay are you alright?" Islay had gone pale. "Molly do remember how I wrote you about what was going on at home and needed you to take Aleksandra?" Our mother nodded. "Her father must have taken those letters and put them somewhere." She then looked at us. "If I find them, I'll send them to you Oh and Molly..." Mum just shook her head. "I'll take her for the rest of the summer. Just send over her trunk and I'll get her situated with this." Islay hugged our mother and looked at us. "Please take care of her. She told me all about you two and I could tell that her only friends ignoring her shattered her heart." was the last thing she said before apparating home. I quickly went looking for Alek to tell her what her mother had told us. Fred was right behind me knowing this might get ugly with her temper. When we found her, she was looking for the books we needed for this year. "Alek..." "we need to tell you something" I started, and Fred finished. She looked up at us with red puffy eyes from holding back her tears. Fred moved to stand behind her just in case she tried to run. "Your father stole your letters and hid them...and your mother left to get your trunk and you won't be going home tonight..." "or ever." I Started but couldn't finish so Fred helped me. That seemed to be the last tumbling block for Alek as the tears started to fall down her cheeks freely.

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