Chapter 1: The beginning (edited)

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Running through the train station to get to platform 9 3/4 before the barrier closed was something of a sight as a young girl pushed through muggles, trying to keep her trolley from tipping over. Her parents had gotten home from work late this morning and had cost her a lot of precious time to get there. She had run out of the car with no goodbye, no nothing as she left her parents. She just reached the barrier as she saw a group of redheads run through the wall. She grits her teeth and runs through the barrier to get to the train in just the nick of time. She quickly placed her things where they went and grabbed her bag and kitten and rushed into the train to find somewhere to sit. "This shouldn't be hard. Just find somewhere empty or have enough room for you to sit, and you'll be fine." she said softly as she looked for somewhere to sit. Finally, she found a place to sit in the back of the train. She sat in silence until she heard the door slide open. "Hey guys, I found..." she looks over and is fronted by a petite looking red head with curly hair and freckles all over his face. "Oh. Um. sorry, I should have looked in before assuming it was empty." said the blushing boy as he rubbed the back of the neck. Behind him, she could see two more boys who looked exactly alike. She nods and scoots over. "You are more than welcome to sit in here with me considering that I just got here." she says, looking back out the window. She did not think it was necessary for introductions, but it looked like the older boy was going to do them anyway. "Thank you, and I'm Percy, by the way. You're a first year, correct?" He lifts his hand for her to shake. She nods her head, looking over at him. "Yes. My name is Aleksandra Dubhghlas. You can just call me Alek." She said, taking his hand before he sat across from her. Alek looked over at the other two boys. They both stepped in and sat in the seats. The boy, a cross from her, gave her a lop-sided smile and introduced himself. "Hiya. I'm Fred, and that beside you is my twin brother George." "How goes it? We are also first years." She studies the boy beside her for a moment and notices that his nose is slightly crooked before looking out the window once more.

George's POV

Percy was looking for a cabin for us to sit in when he called out to us, letting us know he found one. When Fred and I get there, we find him talking to some girl, most likely a first year. I nudged Fred and nodded in her direction, so he saw what I was seeing. "must be a first year." Fred says beside me softly. I looked at the girl that Percy was talking to. She had raven hair as dark as the night sky and these silver eyes that felt like they could see into your soul. She was covered in freckles and was tiny. "I'm Aleksandra Dubhghlas. You can just call me Alek." Was all she said before looking back out the window. Fred sat across from her, forcing me to sit next to her. Fred leans forward and gives her his best smile he has and introduces us. "Hiya. I'm Fred, and that beside you is my twin brother George." "How goes it? We are also first years." She looked at us both for a moment before looking back out the window without another word. Alright then. Who pissed in your cereal this morning. I looked back at Fred, and he just shrugged. It is not like we were friends anyway, but by the way Fred looked at her and back at me, I could tell he wanted to make a bet of some sort dealing with the girl. I nodded at him, letting him know I was thinking about the same thing, and I smirked. I planned to run some pranks with Fred against the girl. Percy told us to start putting on our robes since we were about to arrive. I watched the girl put on her robes over black ripped skinny jeans and some muggle shirt she was wearing. Fred elbowed me, and then I realised I was staring at her, and the girl was glaring at me. I quickly looked away and put on my robes. Finally, the train came to a stop, Fred and I jumped up and walked off the train quickly. I was only glad that Fred did not say anything yet.

3rd pov

"alrigh' fers' yer' wit meh." Roared a loud voice off to the side. Alek looks over at the large man and heads towards him. She was ready to get the sorting over, hoping that she would get anything other than Slytherin as her house. she climbed into the boat that had no one in it and sighed when she realised that she was the last one that needed a boat. She sat in silence as she looked up at the beautiful castle in front of her. It took her breath away seeing it and she could finally feel that small bubble of excitement finally hit her, and she smiled softly not knowing that only a boat or two away was the twins watching her and placing bets on what house she would be in. "Georgie, I promise you she's gonna be a dirty Slytherin. You can tell by how she acts." Fred commented sourly. "I don't know Fred. She could be put in Gryffindor. She is fierce like a lion." George said, rubbing his chin with his thumb and pointer in thought. The boys looked at each other. "Georgie boy, if I didn't know better, I would think you had a crush on the girl!" Fred exclaims laughing. George made a face of disgust. "Ew. We both agreed we were not gonna go for any girls. Plus, she probably has cuties." Said like a true 11-year-old boy. "Oh! we should make her our first target for our pranks no matter what house she gets!" George looks to his twin to see what he would say. "Actually, Georgie, that's brilliant! What should we do first, and are we aiming to her cry or just make her mad?" The boys plotted against the girl until they reached the great hall and stood around waiting until a professor came to greet them and tell them to get ready to be sorted into their new houses. The first years all filed in slowly to the front of the great hall.

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