Chapter 4: The chambers (edited)

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It was that time of year again when they all had to leave to go back to school. They were at the train station hurrying towards platform 9 and 10 seeing as they were behind the curve. Percy, Fred, George, and Alek were the first to go through. They placed their things where they went and got on the train. The trio went to go find Lee so they could tell him all about their summer. Lee and Alek have gotten closer. They wouldn't say friends, but they didn't want to wring each other's throats as much anymore. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley ran through the wall with Ginny to say their goodbyes. When Ron and Harry went to go through the barrier, they crashed into the brick wall instead. It had struck 11. They had missed the train, what were they to do? How were they going to get to school on time, or at least at all if they couldn't get on the train? The car. The car was the way to go, well the only way at this point. Instead of waiting for his parents Ron stole the car and drove himself and Harry to school. Almost being hit by the train, being brutally beaten by the Whomping Willow, and having the car spit them and their things out they had made it to Hogwarts safely, Scared, and scarred, but overall unharmed. That night they were in serious amounts of trouble.

The next morning Harry, Hermione, and Ron went to herbology and had a miserable time with the mandrakes. Poor Neville fainted from the idea of this lesson. Lunch came around and Ron was trying to fix his wand when Errol came with a red envelope. Ron had received a Howler. Ron dreaded opening it, but with encouragement from the table he finally opened it to find his mother's voice yelling at him. "RONALD WEASLEY! HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CAR! I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED! YOUR FATHER'S NOW FACING AN INQUIRY AT WORK AND IT'S ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT! IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE, WE'LL BRING YOU STRAIGHT HOME!" After being screamed at by the letter, the letter turned towards Ginny. "Oh, and, Ginny, dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor. Your father and I are so proud." Afterwards the letter blew air out at Ron and tore itself up in a pile in front of the poor boy.

After lunch Harry, Ron, and Hermione had DADA with Lockhart and all the girls in the class were swooning over the guy. It was awkward for all the males in the class and rather uncomfortable. When the day was said and done the friend group sat together. "So. How you Defense against the Dark Arts class with that buffoon?" Alek asked as Ron, and Hermione sat down. The two sighed. "To answer your question, it was horrid! Who gave that man a teaching licence?" He scoffed. "Ron, I heard you were throwing up slugs all afternoons!" the twins laughed. "Oh, and Hermione. I heard what Malfoy called you. Don't worry. The twins and I are gonna get him back." Alek stated angrily. The twins were still shocked that she was still willing to pull a prank on anyone at all. "The boys have been working on some new candies and who best to try them on Malfoy himself." She sneered. "Alek, we told you they are still being tested!" "George is Alek. We don't know what'll happen." As the three bickered, Ron and Hermione went to find Harry. As they were walking back when Harry heard something. When they found Mrs. Norris 'dead' and written in blood was a message. Soon people started to swarm the area and gasps of fear could be heard throughout the hallway.

The next day in transfigurations class Harry and Hermione asked Professor McGonagall questions about the chamber and what was inside of it. After classes it was time for Quidditch. Slytherin was playing dirty and to make things worse there was a rogue Bludger on field. Fred and George tried their best to protect Harry from it, but when Harry finally found the snitch the boys weren't able to keep up with him. Alek was the new keeper as she watched Malfoy try and steal the snitch from Harry. she laughed; Harry caught the snitch within time. Fred and George quickly went to Harry and George wrestled the Bludger into the case and snapped it into place. When Harry was taken to the infirmary Madam Pomfrey was infuriated by what Lockhart had done. That night Dobby visited Harry that night. Harry threatened the poor elf who had already felt bad. During Dobby's warning the Professors brought in a first year that had been attacked by the basilisk. He overheard what Dumbledore had said. That morning Harry told Ron and Hermione what he had heard last night and what Dobby had told him.

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