Chapter 7: See you later (edited)

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It was finally their 7th and final year at Hogwarts and even though they were excited they were also incredibly sad to say goodbye. The four talked about what they wanted to do. "Weasley's Wizards Wheezes will be the most popular shop in all of Diagon Alley!" Fred mused excitedly. "Alek you never told us what you wanted to once you left Hogwarts." Lee looked over at the girl. "Hmm? OH." She smiled and shrugged. "Eh. It's not anything impressive, but I would like to either be a healer or the next potion masters at Hogwarts." The boys blink. "You realise that your OWL's have to be the best of the best to be either one of those?" Lee questioned surprised. Fred Chuckled and wrapped his arm around her. "Of course, she's got the best grades! She's my girl!" Even the two have been together she still blushed heavily whenever he did such things. "Guys! Oh, My Godric! It's our last year! We have to throw the biggest party ever!" Alek threw her hands into the air with a wide grin. "Yeah!" The twins chimed as the train came to a stop. Alek put on a Gryffindor Robe that she snagged from Percy's room and put it on. "Alek... That's the wrong robe." Lee stated and the twins sniggered. "Actually, she has the right one indeed." Fred wrapped his arm around her and walked off the train with George leaving Lee behind for a moment before rushing after them. The four of them enter the great hall and sat at the Gryffindor table as Dumbledore stood and went to the podium. "We welcome our professor for the defence against the dark arts Professor Umbridge." He paused while people clapped before trying to move on. "Hmhmm." The woman now known as Umbridge cleared her throat and stood. Dumbledore stepped aside for the woman. "Thank you, Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see all your bright happy faces smiling up at me." she looked out at the student. "No one is fucking smiling at you toad." Alek said to the boys. "I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends."

"That's likely." The twins scoffed and rolled their eyes

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards of vital importance. Although each Headmaster has brought something new to this historic school." She looks towards Dumbledore at this statement. "And progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected and prune practices that ought to be prohibited." She said as if she was proud of herself. Dumbledore started the applause and waited till more joined before continuing. "Thank you, Professor Umbridge, that really was most illuminating." Dumbledore stepped away from the podium and let the feast begin. "Illuminating? What a load of waffle!" The twins nodded. "I'm going to cause as much trouble for as possible now." Alek gave a wicked grin and stared at the woman.

The day of classes the twins and Alek had the pink toad together as she handed out some sort of kindergarten book. "What the bloody hell is this shit?" escaped her lips not realising that the toad stood beside her. "Young lady that is no way to speak!" Her head snapped up and looked at her. "Oh my! I'm so sorry." Umbridge smirked and started to walk off. "Sorry that I don't give two shits what you think." Alek stood and looked at the woman. "And by the way, what do you take us for? Babies who can't take care of ourselves?" The woman whirled on her. "And who might you be?" The woman was seething. "Oh. ME? My friends call me by my name, in which you do not need to know." She crossed her arms and looked up at the woman unyielding enjoying the look on her face. "Detention for a week!" She roared and Alek laughed. "I'm not coming to a detention for a nameless student you old cow." She gathered her books making sure she dropped the baby book they were just given on the floor before walking out. The class cheered loudly after her as she went to potions. She slid into a seat beside a first year Ravenclaw that stared at her in fear. She scoffed. "We're not all bad you know." She mumbled while rolling her eye. "Ms. Dubhghlas." She looked up to see Snape and smiled. "Ah! Professor! Just the person I was looking for!" He scoffs and walks towards his desk in the front of the class, and she followed. "What do you need so early in the day?" She raised her head proudly. "Oh, you know the usual slip." "from whom did you escape this time?" She smirked. "The toad." Snape looked at her his frown deepening more than should be possible. "What. Did. You. Do." He said calmly although he wanted to snatch her up and toss her out of his class. "I told her to shove her baby lessons and she didn't like that. Oh! I also refused to give her my name so she gave detention to a nameless student." She shrugged. "Ms. Dubhghlas. You..." he sighed. "She'll give it to someone else." was all he said before he pointed towards the door. She shrugged and made her way to the great hall. She sat between the twins who praised her about what she did. "Love that was brilliant!" "Fred's right! She was so stunned she huffed and pouted the rest of the class!" George cheered. They all laughed until the great hall burst open and the toad-like woman entered the hall huffing. When she got to the Podium, she cleared her throat to catch everyone's attention. "Because I do not know the child's name, I have given the detention to. I am going to give the week's worth of detention to someone else!" She said calmly looking out at everyone till her eyes landed on the Twins. "Mr. Fred Weasley, you will be attending the detention unless she decides to take it herself!" She walked off looking triumphant. "Don't worry Fred. You aren't going." Alek said, smirking. "If it's a war she wants. It's a war she'll get."

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