3.5 Animagus Pt. III (edited)

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A/N: Takes place during the 3rd year. If makes no sense sorry.

Alek's POV

I have been waiting for a storm and doing the chant for a year straight and McGonagall never warned me about the second heart beat I would have. It scared me over the summer and Mr. Weasley had burst into Bill's old room when he heard me freaking out and asked me what had happened. I told him I was practising a spell that McGonagall told me to practice, and I ended up shocking myself. He nodded and left. I was so excited about the fact it was finally happening. Hopefully when I finally turned I would be a beautiful Arctic fox.

When classes finally came around McGonagall made me meditate on the animal I wanted to turn into. To make it a friend and let it reside in me as it was a part of me because when the time came it would be. Each night for months straight that is what I did after I chanted the spell.

3rd POV

May had rolled around and along with it an electrical storm. As soon as the first lightning bolts flashed across the sky Alek was out of her chair and out of the potion's classroom before Snape could even turn around to tell her to be quiet. She raced to bed and pulled out her crystal phial full of this blood red liquid and went straight to McGonagall who didn't have anyone in detention at that moment. She burst into the room with the crystal phial and smiled happily. "When do we start?" She asked excitedly. McGonagall stood and took the vial from her to inspect it before handing it back. "Follow me. We will do this in the abandoned girls restroom. No one will be there at this moment." As they walked, she looked at the small potion in her hand. As soon as they reached the restroom the teacher faced her and said "Place your wand-tip against your heart and speak the incantation 'Amato Animo Animato Animagus' and drink the potion. Whatever happens after under any circumstance DO NOT be fearful." She made a hand movement towards her so she would do as told. After she did as told she dropped to her knees and let out a blood curdling scream as the pain hit her full force. She could feel the second heart beat stronger than ever. "Now child picture the animal you want to be." The pain worsened and she felt as though she was going to pass out. What felt like years the girl looked up and noticed everything was a lot bigger than her. After a moment or two McGonagall helped her change back. "That is all for tonight, but you must do this every night till you no longer need help or your wand to change back." I stand and go to my dorm. This year was not gonna be fun.

A/n: This was a short chapter but thanks for reading it.

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