Chapter 11: Welcome home (edited)

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It took a few years for the school to be rebuilt and during that time Alek had given birth to twin girls who resembled their father to a 't', took Teddy in and married George. Alek named the oldest Kaila Ray, she had fiery red hair and deep brown eyes like her father, and her sister Islay May Weasley had Red hair much like her sister and had silver eyes like her mother. The girls were now five and showing some magical abilities which excited the parents to no end. Alek Started work at the school this year and it was most exciting to see her old home back in working order. She was going to the burrow to drop the girls off with Molly.

"Momma?" Alek called out in the dark house. "Did they leave? Or am I just too early?" She walked around the lower floor of the house before taking the girl outside. "Mummy, where are we going?" one of the red headed children asked. "Going to visit daddy baby girl." Everyone was silent as they walked to Fred's tombstone. Alek sat with her knees tucked under her and gently touched the tomb stone. "Hey Freddie. I brought the girls today. I know it's been a bit since you last saw them." Alek paused and wiped at her face. "They're showing signs of magic and they are quite devilish like their fathers'." She took out her wand and conjured a beautiful wreath of flowers and placed them in front of the tomb. "I start work for the school this year and Ginny is getting married this year. Ron finally popped the question to Hermione, and they are supposed to be getting married by the year's end. There is a lot happening that you're missing Freddie and we all miss you greatly." Alek felt small hands on her shoulder and looked up to see the girls. The girls had small flowers in their hands and placed them in the wreath. "Mummy, the lights turned on in grandma's." Kaila pointed out and Alek stood, taking their hands in hers and leading them to the house. "There's my favourite girls!" Molly bent down holding her arms out as the girls ran into them. "Grandma!" The girls Squealed happily. "Alek dear you're early dear." She shrugged. "Took the girls to see their dad." Was all she said softly. Molly turned and gathered her in a hug. "Have a good first day at school love." She nodded and apparated to the school.

"Professor McGonagall?" She called out into the headmistress' office. "Come in dear." She called back. "It's so good to see you." She smiled and Alek returned it with one of her own. "You needed to talk to me about the head of my house?" She looked around the office in awe. "Yes actually, I was hoping you'd be willing to take that position?" Alek blinked. "What? Why me?" She was shocked that she would want to give her such an important position. "You are the only one I trust Mrs. Weasley. That and you were a prefect and head girl for Slytherin were you not?" Alek nodded. "Yes ma'am I was." She smiled happily. "Well now I have one more job for you." Alek raised an eyebrow. "And that is?" McGonagall handed her the sorting hat. "Now I believe you would like to go set up your office and make sure your potion ingredients are in order. I will see you later tonight." Alek left and made her way to the dungeons to get everything set back up. She sighed softly and turned on the radio so she could have music as she cleaned and put things in place.

Later that year she was given leave to go to Ginny and Harry's wedding. She knocked on the bride's door before walking in. "Alek! You're late!" Ginny yelled across the room. "Sorry Gin. Kai had misplaced her basket." Ginny nodded and handed her the maid of honour dress. "Get ready we start in 30!" Alek giggled. "Gin you sound like momma." With one last glare Alek got dressed and went to get the girls and Teddy ready to go down the aisle. "Teddy where is your bow tie sweetie." Teddy opened his hand to reveal his bow that looked like it was shrunk. "I didn't mean to auntie. I just got mad cause I couldn't tie it." He said looking at his feet. "Oh, sweetie you are fine. Look." She waved her hand over the little strip of ribbon and it grew in the boy's hand. His eyes lit up and he laughed. She took the fabric from him and tied it around his neck. "There you go. You have the rings?" He nodded and took them out of his breast pocket to show her. She nodded. "Have you seen your cousins?" He pointed to the kitchen. "Come along." When she walked into the kitchen she found the girls chasing George around the table laughing happily and she couldn't help but smile. "Girls why aren't you in your dresses yet?" The girls stopped and looked at their mother. "Mum do we have too?" Kai whined. "Yea! It's tight and itchy!" Islay whined along with her sister causing the woman to chuckle before walking over to them and charming their clothes to change without them having to get them. "There. Now we're all ready." Molly had walked in and grabbed the kids. "Start lining up! The sun sets soon!" Molly yelled up the stairs. The ceremony was lovely, and Alek cried during the dance because George danced twice with his sister. One of the times representing Fred and the other for himself. Molly danced with Harry in place of Lilly and overall, it was just lovely, and they were happy for Ginny and Harry. Later at the end of the school year Ron and Hermione finally tied the knot and George left a small sack of Galleons on Fred's chair. "Looks like you won this one Freddie." George said softly before leaving to find his wife and kids to go home. 

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