Chapter 5.5 the Godfather (edited)

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A/N: Ha! you thought the year was over this might be a short chapter!

3rd POV

The issues with Alek had started and ended back in January and during this time Harry was snooping around finding out more information about Sirius Black. Alek told Harry about her ability to change into a fox and that she could help him if he needed. He thanked her before leaving for class. Harry was trying to get some quiet between Hermione trying to keep him out of trouble and Ron complaining about his rat. Since it was a Saturday Harry was going to sneak into Hogsmeade using the map the twins gave him some time ago. Alek was given the task by Dumbledore to walk the grounds in her Animagus form to keep a look out for anyone or thing that shouldn't be there.

Months had passed without seeing or hearing anything. That is until a night of a full moon had hit, and she was on look out. It was near the Whomping willow when she heard cries of pain close by. That was the day she found the tunnel and had followed it all the way to an opening. She was in the shrieking shack. She turned into her human form and looked around the house. "You really shouldn't be here child." She froze at the voice. "It is alright child. I won't hurt you." She felt a hand gently touch her shoulder as she fixed her Silver eyes on the man, who she could only place as Sirius Black. She paled. "You are in danger being here girl." He was silenced by a howl. "Change back to that fox!" He yelled at her. "Quickly! before he turns all the way!" In a panic she turned back to her fox and watched Sirius turn into a Large dog. He ran out of sight when a tall figure came into sight. She whimpered as the werewolf turned towards her. It got close and sniffed her before running off. She quickly ran back to Dumbledore to report what she had seen.

"Professor! I know where he is hiding!" Alek said, bursting into the headmasters office. He was talking to McGonagall and they both looked at her. "The shrieking shack... And a werewolf." she said, shaking. Dumbledore nodded his head. "Thank you, Ms. Alek. You may go now." He said turning back to Minerva. She scampered off as a fox and went to the Gryffindor common room to see the twin. They were usually up late working on their products. She sat and scratched at the door and waited for them to open the door. She heard rushed footsteps and one the twins flinging the door open. "There's our favourite little fox!" Fred smiled down at her. "George Winter is back!" George stood up and came over to her. "Hello there pretty girl!" He bent down and scooped her up and she nuzzled into him. She was making noises at them as they petted and played with her. A door opened in one of the dorms and everyone froze. It was Lee. " What are you two doing up this late?" He was still half asleep. "We're coming up now Lee. Go back to bed." They said together. Fred opened the door to let the fox out. "Night Winter." He shut the door and went to bed.

The months had been long and tiring as they searched for Sirius and Alek spent less and less time with the twins. That was until she saw the trio run off somewhere. She acted and went to find Snape. "Prof. Snape! The Whomping willow! There lies the traitor." She spoke quickly as Snape was gone before she could finish. She followed after as a fox and she witnessed everything. When Peter ran off, she went after him until he knew he was safe and turned back and so did she. He hit her with a spell that knocked her unconscious.

That night Harry and Hermione saved Sirius and Buckbeak. On the downside Alek was hit with a curse that put her in a deep sleep and it wasn't going to be easy to undo. The boys had found her when McGonagall told them she went missing. They knew that summer would be boring without her.A/N: This should be the last Half chapter. Maybe... 

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