Chapter 5: Heartbreak (edited)

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 TW: Low amounts of abuse Name calling and assault it's only for a moment and then it is over.

Fudge had saved Harry's ass for his own use for the year. Fudge was being secretive and keeping things from Harry. The next day Harry is greeted by the Weasleys', Alek, and Hermione. Alek's Hair had gotten longer causing her purple hair to mix with her natural colour. The twins come down from the room they were staying in. Mr. Weasley told Harry about what was really going on. Later that day they were off to Hogwarts.

It was pouring outside, and it had gotten cold. Alek was sitting between the twins with her jumper that she got back in 1st year. It was freezing and black hooded things were floating around the train and it terrified her. A few compartments away Harry was attacked by one of those things. After the feast, the boys went and played with magical jelly beans. The boys were having fun. The next day Harry had a horrible day in divination and Hermione thought it was ridiculous that they had that class. Hermione and Alek had doubled in most of their classes to try and get more out of the way. Alek had started dating some Hufflepuff in 6th year, who the twins both thought was some prat. "He takes up all her time George! She doesn't even glance our way!" Fred was pacing the length of the common room. "Fred... I get she's our best friend and all, but you sound jealous." Both twins paused and looked at each other. "Freddie... Do you like Alek?" Fred's face had gone a deep crimson. "You can't tell her. Promise me?" George only nodded.

The next week they had won their quidditch game and was having a party. Alek had brought her Hufflepuff to the party and Fred felt infuriated. Harry had this wonderful idea of truth and dare for the friend circle. "Alek let's go!" Alek laughed and grabbed her boy. "Guys this is Immanuel!" They all looked the lad up and down. He had unruly brown hair and green eyes and he was a whole head taller than all of them. She went to sit between the twins when he grabbed her roughly. She winced and looked at him. "It's fine. they're My best friends!" she said with a smile and he let go of her. She sat between the two crisscrossed and sat her hands under her thighs. The twins knew what that meant when she did that. She needed support. Without question they held her hand making sure the twat didn't notice. "Alright guys! Fred and George got some fire whiskey and we each have to take a shot each time someone chooses dare, but we will take one now to get started." Harry said handing everyone a shot. Immanuel took it back quickly and took another from Fred when he offered. "Alright, I'll start it off." Harry paused and looked around the circle before landing his eyes on the Hufflepuff. "Immanuel. Truth or Dare?" He asked not looking at him. "hmm...Truth." Harry paused for a moment. "Is it true that you slept with Alek?" The twins' heads snapped and looked at Alek and then to the boy who had a look of disgust. "No. We haven't been together long enough." He scoffed and looked around before he looked at his girlfriend. "Allie. Truth or dare?" Alek glared at him for the nickname. "Truth." "Is it true you love the twins?" Alek smirked. "Of course, I do! They're my best friends. They've always been there for me and always will be." She looked at Harry. "Truth or dare?" "Dare. Duh Alek." Harry gave everyone a shot before she continued. "I dare you to kiss Ron." She had a wicked grin on her face. "Or you both take three shots each." The boys looked at each other and gaged. "Shots!" They yelled and she set up 6 shots for them and Harry took them like they were water while Ron struggled getting his down. "Ron go." Harry said with a frown. "Fred Truth or Dare?" "Dare!" The process repeated and Fred looked at Ron once everyone was done. "Alright Fred. I dare you to..." Ron thought for a moment before Looking at Immanuel. "Punch him in the face." Fred grinned and got up doing just that. The poor boy was shocked he did that, and Alek suppressed a laugh. "'Mione give me 2 shots please?" "Alek you're already 5 shots in." Alek glared at her until she handed her the shots that she threw back quickly. "George. Truth or dare?" Fred asked. "Dare." "I dare you to kiss Hermione." George got up and kissed her cheek and then sat down. "Go Hermione." George passed it on to her. "Alright then. Twins. Truth or Dare?" They smirked. "Dare" they said together. Alek was swaying slightly in her seat. "Dare you both to kiss Alek... on the lips." No one noticed the anger boiling up in the Hufflepuff as Fred pulled Alek by her chin and slowly kissed her before licking her lip. A noise had escaped her lips, but it went unnoticed to everyone but the 3 males. George pulled her into his lap once Fred had let her go and did the same to her. Once again, that noise had escaped her lips. Was she... moaning into their kiss? That was his last straw. Immanuel stood and ripped the two apart and dragged her out of the Gryffindor common room. Everyone was stunned at his action, well everyone minus the twin, who knew what they were doing.

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