Chapter 2.5 Animagus Pt. II (edited)

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A/N: This takes place in the middle of second year. Thank you.

Alek's Pov

I was so excited for tonight. All through dinner I was unable to sit still. "Oi, Alek What is up with you?" Fred asked me and without thinking I responded, "I have detention with McGonagall for the year." When I looked up and saw their faces I corrected myself. "Okay not all of it is detention. She's asked for my help in something she hasn't told me about." I stated flatly and everyone bought it, but the twins. I smiled at them sweetly and stuck my tongue out at them. We had gotten closer, but Lee was still trying to get them to make me stop sitting with them. It hurt my feelings a little and I guess Fred noticed because he bumped me gently with his shoulder and gave me a wink. I blushed and a small grin planted itself on our lips. "Alright guys I gotta go. I'll talk tomorrow at breakfast." I got up and went to the Transfigurations classroom to wait on McGonagall to show up. I found some parchment on my desk and opened it. It was a list of things I needed to do. I sighed. I excelled in trans. and potions.... but when I looked at the thing, I needed to find it. I groaned. "A Mandrake leaf? For real though.... I'm gonna die. Prof. Sprout is gonna murk me." "Not if you have permission dear child." I jumped out of my skin when I heard McGonagall's voice behind me. "Just in time too, because tonight starts the cycle." She nodded towards the door as she left the classroom. I followed her to the greenhouse. The full moon was bright tonight, and I was dreading the fact that I was about to starve for the next month because it was easier not to swallow the leaf that way and I was not going to start over.... Unless I can't find a silver teaspoon of dew from a place that neither sunlight nor human feet have touched. Like where the flying fudge am I going to find that and if I do find it how am I supposed to get it? I sighed loudly and McGonagall looked at me with a frown. "The matter that is troubling you is what?" She raised an eyebrow at me. "Where am I to find a silver teaspoon of dew from a place that neither sunlight nor human feet have touched? I am human, can I still get it?" She smiled and nodded. She said nothing as she handed me the leaf and the small crystal phial. "Now make sure to leave this where you can get it or trust someone with it." I nodded and she let me leave. I went to the Gryffindor common room to find George. "Champions." I walked in after it swung open and went to find the boys. I found George by the fireplace and sat next to him. "Where's Fred?" I asked gently, trying to spook him. "He went to bed early and I couldn't sleep." He said looking up at me and smiled softly. "How was dentition or whatever you had to do?" He asked, playing with my hair. "It was fine, but I have to place this little vial under pure moonlight. Being a full moon tonight makes tonight Ideal...but I live under the lake." I paused and gave him my best smile. "Do you mind doing that for me? I mean you'll have to get up before sunrise to place it out of sight..." I was fidgeting with my sweater and looking at my knees until I heard him chuckle and ruffle my hair. "Yeah Alek. Anything for my favourite Slytherin." He said softly, taking the small crystal phial from my hand and pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

3rd POV

Unbeknownst to her was the fact that George was actually Fred. The two decided to mess with her by switching clothes and making Fred style his hair like George's. Fred was supposed to have told her by now but couldn't bring himself to do it. His hand lingered on her cheek before quickly standing. "You should get going so you don't caught Dubhghlas." He said coolly. That's when she realised her mistake and she pouted. "Of course, it's you Fred." She softly said the blush from earlier became darker. She walked out and ran to her Common room before she could get caught. Even after catching her breath she couldn't calm her heartbeat. She didn't know when it happened, but she started to have a small crush on the boys, and it angered her.

A month later she went to see McGonagall with the small crystal phial and the saliva-filled mandrake in it. When she reached the classroom, McGonagall walked over and plucked a hair from her head. She winced and glared at the woman who dropped the hair into the vial before looking at the girl. "Did you find the silver teaspoon of dew?" She nodded and produced the little vial with the needed water and handed it over to the teacher. She nodded. "Well then we should make a visit to Snape to get the last thing we need before you place this somewhere, you'll forget about it." She walked out the room leaving the short girl to run after her. Once they had collected the ingredient the Prof. added it and handed it to Alek. "Now you have to leave it be until the next electrical storm." she crossed her arms. "I mean it now. Don't think about it. Don't even look at it. Until that storm hits you must place your wand tip over your heart every sunrise and sundown and speak the following incantation: 'Amato Animo Animato Animagus'" was the last thing she said before walking off. The girl ran to her Dorm room and hid the vial where no one would find it and she so happened to have found a cubby hole behind her nightstand. This was gonna take forever.

A/N: Thanks for being patient about this and sorry this was so short. thanks.

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