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I spent the rest of the day with Davina, learning what she's been doing while I was gone and vice versa. When I asked her if she sensed any magic the night before, she said no, which confirmed Rebekah's theory about her. She showed me the paintings she's been drawing for months, the ones she calls evil. There was something about those pictures that just creeped me out. The pictures seemed to be part of a bigger picture, but I couldn't imagine what. I hugged Davina before showing myself out with the promise that I'll come back and visit her. Six o'clock was nearing and Marcel was expecting me at Rousseau's. The sun was still shining bright when I emerged onto the streets of downtown New Orleans. Walking to Rousseau's was so familiar I could've done it in my sleep. I see the sign for the restaurant come into view and I smile. It seemed like old times again. I walk in and am hit with the smell of gumbo, Rousseau's signature dish. The bar is packed tonight, as I expected, with vampires and humans. I see Marcel standing next to Klaus, of all people, with his shoulders brooding. Marcel's mad and it's obvious that it's Klaus's fault. I walk over to them and tilt my head.

"Something wrong," I ask them.

Marcel sighs, "Yes, did you know that the lovely Mikaelson sister is in town?"

"Which one," I ask, "the bitchy one or the impulsive one?"

"Rebekah," Klaus clarifies, "I think you called her the bitchy one."

"No, that's Gwen," I glare at Klaus.

"Where've you been all day," Klaus asks. I notice Marcel watching me closely.

"I was exploring the city," I answer, "I wanted to see exactly what Marcel had done to my city." I know I can't tell Klaus about Davina because if I do, he'll want her and I won't allow that. Davina doesn't need someone like Klaus in her life.

"Your city," Klaus asks. I nod; I knew this was coming, but I had hoped Klaus wasn't stupid enough to do it in front of Marcel. I hold Klaus's gaze, wondering if my being here was a good thing.

"Cecily," someone yells behind me, breaking my gaze off from Klaus's. I turn and see a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes behind the counter, smiling. I should've known she would work here. After all, Sophie Deveraux works here too.

"Cami," I say, returning her smile, "It's nice to see you." Camille O'Connell is Father Kieran's niece. I've known Camille, Cami, for a long time due to my business relations with her uncle. I also know that her uncle hasn't told her that the O'Connell's have been running the human Faction for decades. Cami had a twin, Sean, but he killed himself after killing all the members of his seminary. It was an awful time for the humans in the city. Some people blamed the witches, others blamed the vampires. To this day, I still don't know exactly what happened to Sean O'Connell.

"You too," Cami says, leaning over to the counter on her elbows, "one minute you were in here and the next thing I knew, you had left the city. What happened?"

I sigh and shrug my shoulders, "I just needed a change of scenery."

She smiles, "I know what that's like."

I laugh, "How have you been?"

"Good considering everything that's happened," she says, her eyes dropping to her hands. I put my hands over hers and smile.

"Hey, you're moving on like you said you would," I tell her. She sighs and wipes her face clean. She looks to Marcel and Klaus, who have surprising stayed quiet, and tilts her head. "Cami, I'd like you to meet Klaus Mikaelson and Marcel Gerard," I say. Klaus and Marcel both wear radiant smiles which makes me laugh. I'm about to suggest that we get drinks when I see Sophie Deveraux staring at me from the kitchen. "I'll be right back," I tell Marcel and Klaus as I walk towards Sophie. As I get closer to her, I can see that she has bags under her eyes; she hasn't been sleeping and I want to know why.

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