A New Life In An Ancient Place

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Hey guys!!! If you don't know, this is the forth installment in my series! The first is Vampire Diaries: Concrete Decisions!


-I'm the world's first vampire-werewolf-witch hybrid

-I'm a Mikaelson

-I've been held captive for four months

-My heart is torn between two brothers

-I'm pregnant


It's been four months since I've seen the familiar faces of Mystic Falls. I've rotted away in a witch cemetery for four months, waiting for Klaus and Elijah to rescue me, but they never came. Elijah's last words have rung in my head for four months, haunting me.

"I'll see you soon," he had said. Elijah had said that he would move heaven and hell to find me and yet I'm still here. Jane-Anne and Sophie have forbidden me from using magic. They said that Marcel has some sort of secret weapon that can detect if the witches are doing magic. The witches in the French Quarter practice ancestral magic meaning their magic comes from the bones of their ancestors. If the witches leave the Quarter, they'll lose their magic, or so Marcel told me a year ago. Marcel still has no idea that I'm in town, which makes this all the more unnerving. I'm not allowed to leave the witch cemetery. Jane-Anne and Sophie don't want to risk it even though I know most of the vampires here. The witches tell me that Marcel has changed since I last saw him. Apparently, Marcel had run the werewolves out of town. He's gotten the witches under control and he has an army of vampires behind him. The witches say that Marcel is unstoppable, but there's something they don't know. I am the one they call unstoppable. I would've slaughtered theses witches the second they kidnapped me if it wasn't for the baby. Jane-Anne performed a spell this afternoon to confirm the pregnancy. I had suspected this for a while now. The last four full moons, I hadn't changed and I know it wasn't because I inherited Esther's powers. My stomach had begun to grow rounder four weeks after I was taken from Mystic Falls. I was pregnant with Klaus's child and now, Jane-Anne and Sophie planned to use it against him. Jane-Anne and Sophie had left the cemetery hours ago. Night had fallen and I was left with Agnes, the last remaining elder witch. Sophie had instructed Agnes to make sure I sleep. I hadn't been sleeping much, not since I had been kidnapped. When I dream, it is of Elijah coming to rescue me, but when I wake up, nothing's changed. I'm in one of the stone tombs when I hear Agnes on the phone, just outside.

"Marcel took her body," Sophie says on the other end, "I'm almost at the cemetery."

"Are you alone," Agnes asks.

"You'll find out," Sophie answers, hanging up. I can hear Agnes walk in the stone tomb and sigh.

"Sophie should be back any moment now," she says.

"What about Jane-Anne," I ask.

"Jane-Anne is dead," Agnes says.

I gasp, "Jane-Anne is dead?"

Agnes nods, "Marcel caught her performing the spell on your baby."

I sigh, "I never asked her to do the spell. I never wanted any of this."

"It doesn't matter what you want," Agnes snaps, "What matters is the outcome."

"And what is that," I ask. Agnes sighs and walks out of the tomb, leaving me alone again. I'm vaguely aware of the sound of the cemetery gate opening. I can hear Sophie's voice, but I can't make out the other voice. Agnes walks back in the tomb and sighs.

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