Death Is Only The Beginning

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"We should've felt our mother's hand in this," Klaus says to Elijah quietly. I'm sitting in the rocking chair in the nursery while Klaus and Elijah are in the bedroom. It's been six hours since I killed Genevieve and these past six hours have been spent wisely. I got cleaned off and changed into jeans and a shirt and then went to see my daughter. Klaus has told me everything that's happened since I was kidnapped by the witches. Francesca Correa and her brothers are werwolves and not just any werewolves. They're Guerrera werewolves. In 1925, Marcel and I wiped them out because they were causing too many problems in the Quarter. Now, they're back. The 12 moonlight rings Genevieve made draw their power from Klaus's blood, meaning every full moon, he'll be weakened. Apparently, Oliver has betrayed Jack and joined Francesca, dividing the Crescents. The Guerreras came through the compound last night and wiped out all of Marcel's vampires, leaving him without an army once again. After the events of last night, the humans think it was an outbreak of gang violence, but we all know better. "We should've known she would not be bound by anything as obvious as death and now, she has control of the witches," Klaus says, "they will never stop."

"No," Elijah agrees with him.

"Nor would I expect the Guerrera wolves to back down," Klaus continues, "Cordelia and the child are wolf royalty, and as such, they are a threat to Francesca's claim to leadership. They will never be safe." Klaus pauses for a moment, "what was it you said to me earlier? That I have made enemies everyday of my miserable life? Well, the worst of them are within these borders, Brother. I have brought into the world a weapon they can use against me."

"Then we will arm ourselves," Elijah says, "Brother, we have fought every adversary in this town and we have won, and we'll fight them again, no matter who they are. We will make this home a fortress."

"I will not have her live her life as a prisoner in her own home," Klaus defends.

"Then we leave here together, all of us," Elijah suggests.

"Wherever we go, however far we run, those who seek power and revenge will hunt us," Klaus hisses, "they will hunt her. She has inherited all of our enemies with none of our defenses."

"So, whether we stay or we leave, we condemn her," Elijah sighs. I get up from the rocking chair and walk out of the nursery, still holding my daughter.

"There is a third option," I tell them, "I grew up unloved. My father left my mother soon after I was born. My brothers hated me and treated me no better than an animal. My mother looked the other way at the things my brothers did to me." I stop, trying to hold my tears back, "I made a promise, to my baby and to myself that she would not grow up the way I did. That she would grow up safe and loved. And yet, here she is, on her first day in this world with a grandmother who is hell bent on sacrificing her and a mother who can't even figure out what she is and why she can't control her bloodthirst anymore." The tears fall down my cheeks and both Mikaelsons look at me with sympathy. "I think the only thing to do is send her away while we stay behind and clean up the mess we've made," I tell them.

"No," Elijah stands to his feet, "this is insane. You heard Genevieve! So long as she lives, that baby will be hunted."

Klaus stands up and joins my side, "not if no one knows she lives."

Elijah furrows his eyebrows and so do I, "what is it you intend to do, Brother?"

Klaus looks at me, "whatever it takes to save our family." It was decided then, even if we didn't know it, that the lengths we would go to protect my baby girl are endless. Faking the baby's death will be hard, seeing as how Marcel knows she's alive. Slowly, we began to forge a plan. Marcel would locate a stillborn baby and deal with Oliver and the werewolves in exchange for vials of Klaus and I's blood to cure werewolf bites. Afterwards, Klaus will compel Marcel to forget everything he knows about the baby. I will take my mourning public tonight, to ensure that everyone believes the Mikaelson baby died. We'll lock up the compound, turning away every soul. I will leave and go to the bayou with Jackson to heal. After my public outing, I'll meet Klaus on the edge of town in a field where we'll give our baby girl to the only two individuals in the world that can protect her just as well as we can. As the hours pass, I realize that it's time. I've packed my baby's bag, making sure to put my letter in it, and I've packed my own bag for the bayou. I had Klaus put it in my car that is parked next to St. Anne's, so that after my mourning, I can leave without anyone seeing. Elijah and I depart from the compound, me holding a bouquet of flowers, and head towards the memorial site in the middle of downtown. When we get there, there's already a crowd gathered around. I don't even care that Francesca is there. The pain of losing my child is too fresh for me to deal with her. The people part for me to walk up and place the flowers among the many candles and photos on the ground. I stand up and look at the small piece of paper on the wall in front of me. In memoriam—baby Mikaelson. I kiss my fingers and touch the paper, closing my eyes as tears fall down my cheeks. Slowly, I turn around to face the people. Elijah stands at the head of them, offering me his hand. I take it and he leads us away from prying eyes. Once we're certain that no one is watching us, I let go of his hand and sigh.

"You know where to find us if you need us," he tells me.

I nod, "I'll be around every once in a while." He nods and kisses my cheek.

"It will get better," he promises. I smile weakly at him and start walking towards St. Anne's. No Elijah, it won't. Not until I can bring my baby girl home safely. Just as I get to the church, I hear someone call my name. Turning around, I see Davina walking towards me with tears in her eyes.

"Your baby," she asks me. I shake my head, more tears falling down my face. Davina wraps her arms around me and I allow myself to cry into her shoulder. She rubs my back the same way I used to do to her when she was upset. Pulling away from her, I wipe my eyes.

"I want you to know, Davina, that even though I lost my child, I still have one," I tell her and she smiles, tears escaping her eyes. "I'm leaving for a while," I say, "I don't know when I'll be back, but I'll only be a call away. If you ever need me, don't hesitate." She nods her head and hugs me again, her arms tight around my back.

"I love you, Cordelia," she cries.

"I love you too, Davina," I tell her. We stay like that for a long time, a mother and her child locked in an embrace that will last forever.

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