A Massacre, A Betrayal, And An Alliance

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The trap the three of us had set up was a very simple one. All of the Faction would be in one place, making it easy for us to get rid of them. Klaus and I waited to the side of the front door of Rousseau's, in the shadows, while Marcel hid behind the bar. Kieran walks in, anger radiating off of him.

"Why wasn't I consulted on this," he demands. The Faction is already sitting down at a table next to the bar.

"You've been gone for over seven months Kieran," the mayor says, "we got used to doing things on our own."

"This Klaus Mikaelson, I don't care who he is or what the rumors say," the sheriff says, "he needed to be taught a lesson."

"You're going to start a war," Kieran yells.

"I'd like to see them try," the sheriff says with a chuckle.

"I just learned that the father of Cecily's child is Klaus," Kieran says, "and you attacked her. He will not stop until you are dead, not to mention that Cecily is also a Mikaelson hybrid."

"So what if we attacked Cecily," the sheriff asks, "whatever's brewing inside of her will be a freak. Oh and Kieran, this is the last time you call a meeting. Next time you want to criticize our leadership, send a damn e-mail."

"I thought you called this meeting," Kieran says.

"The hell we did," the sheriff says, looking to the other members. Klaus takes my hand and we both walk out from our spot.

"Actually, we called it," Klaus says as the members turn to us, "it appears I made a grave error during our earlier conference. My friends Marcel and Cordelia both offered me wise counsel and I failed to heed it."

"Well, I'm glad to hear you've learned your lesson," the sheriff says. There was nothing more at that particular moment I wanted to do than to rip that asshat's head off.

"Oh I won't be making that mistake again," Klaus assures, "Cordelia, would you do the honors?" I smile as I walk over to the sheriff. He's still smiling his smug smile as I lift my hand and focus on his neck. I watch as the skin on his neck slowly splits. Blood squirts out from the cut, spraying everyone around him. Marcel appears next to me and I turn to Klaus. "Shall we," Klaus asks.

"After you," Marcel answers. The two of them kill every single one of the members of the Faction. All, but one. I stood next to Kieran the whole time, making sure that he wasn't harmed. I didn't want to risk one of the members hurting my baby, so I held back from the killing tonight. Well, almost held back. What the sheriff said about my baby had set me off. I refused to listen to the abusive ranting of a smug bastard. Klaus rises to his feet and walks towards Kieran and me.

"There he is," Klaus says with a smile, "our lone survivor. Such a sad day for our city. Some of its best and brightest killed in a tragic boating accident on the Mississippi. Rather nasty explosion, I heard. What am I going to do with you?"

Marcel stands to his feet, "ok, hold up. Cecily and I have known Kieran for a long time. He's smart and he's fair. I think he can do us more good alive than dead."

"And he's Cami's uncle," I add, hoping Klaus won't kill him.

Klaus sighs, "very well, use this reprieve to remake your human Faction, Father."

"And how do you expect me to remake the mayor," Kieran snaps.

"Well surely there's deputy mayor," Klaus says, taking my hand, "choose new leaders. Then we'll reopen negotiations." Klaus pulls me along, Marcel following us. It surprises me that Klaus isn't afraid to show the world that we're together. This man, the one who has kept all of his emotions inside of him for over 1,000 years, suddenly wants the whole world to know who I belong to. The three of us walk into the compound; Klaus takes out his flask as I go to sit down in one of the chairs. For some reason, I'm exhausted; the baby seems to be wearing me out more and more every day. "To our united front," Klaus says as he drinks from the flask. He leans against the post and points to Marcel, "this act of yours, the imitation of friendship, don't get me wrong, you play the part well enough. I should know, having played it myself. There was a time when the affinity between us was quite real."

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