I was forced into a marriage of my parent's choosing. Strapped down and saddled to a man who only cared about himself. I couldn't force myself out of the marriage because I had made a stupid move by signing a contract that I never knew about. Now he...
I looked down at my salad and noticed I had not touched it since it was placed in front of me. I guess I was too busy trying to figure out everything going on around me.
"So let me get this straight. You have a twin brother who you didn't think would be an important person to at least mention to me. Also your telling me that all the time before the wedding that I thought I was spending with you I was actually spending with your twin brother, Daniel." I was trying to process the idea that I was lied and betrayed to. Yeah maybe Devin didn't care about what he did but I felt like I needed an apology for what he made me go threw.
"Well the first time you met me it was actually me but all the times after that it was him. Until I had to come back for the honeymoon because Daniel said our parents where starting to suspect something had changed in me."
"So your saying that I actually got married to Daniel and not you?" I said after I analyzed what he said.
"Well technically yes, but I made him forge my signature so by the law were married." He forked some lettuce and then brought it to his lips to eat. I once again looked down at my bowl and forced myself to eat. My appetite had gone threw the window when Devin started the conversation we were currently having.
"So what your telling me is that your brother helped you commit a felony because it's illegal to pretend to be someone else, you know and if so I'm not going down with you both. Just saying I'm going to say I was a victim in this whole facade and that I wanted to take no place in your little shenanigans. I'm innocent!" Okay maybe I was starting to ramble but what can I say when I get nervous the only thing I can do is talk and talk nonstop. It's just who I am.
He didn't say anything and that just made me furious how stupid could guys be sometimes. Not all men but the one sitting directly in front of me was pretty stupid to not have been thinking of the law when he came up with his brilliant plan.
"And I thought you would be the smarter one of the two of us. Guess I was wrong," I mumbled will stabbing my fork on the lettuce numerous times. "Anyway so what were you doing while your brother pretended to be you because I know you weren't with Melody."
"How do you know that," he questioned looking dead into my eyes.
"Let's just say I had a little encounter with your brother and her and let me tell you things where getting frisky between them." I twirled my fork and when I finally felt like eating I brought it to my lips and ate the lettuce covered in salad dressing.
"What do you mean by frisky," he demanded making me sink into my chair when his voice became a pitch lower.
"Um, well you see." I scratched being my left ear and tried to form my words. "While you where gone I kinda sorta walked in on them making out and your brother sorta said I was his, I mean your friend and then I was in my room getting ready for bed when he knocks on my door and I open it, and then Melody comes by my room and says they have things to do in your room. I kinda couldn't sleep that night if you know what I mean." I took a long deep breath when I was finally done confessing to him what happened on that strangely weird night.
"He did what!" He roared while fisting both hands and banging them on the table. I looked around and noticed people starring and older ladies giving us weird glances. I felt like digging a hole and jumping in it from all the stares. I looked back at Devin and noticed his angered red cheeks.
"Slept with Melody," I repeated to him. That didn't seem to calm him down any less.
Our server came a couple of minutes later to pick up our salad plates and placed down our plates that contained steak and rice. She made sure to keep her distance from Devin when she noticed his expression. When she was done refilling our glasses with red wine she hurried to another table.
"I'm not hungry anymore," he mumbled angrily and then stood up and grabbed his wallet. He took out five hundred dollar bills and slammed them on the table making people glance our way. What is it with him and always getting mad at me when where at restaurants?
I looked down sad at my untouched plate and called for the waiter.
"Can you please pack these two plates two go?" I asked the young lady. She nodded and then took the two plates. I was not going to waste perfectly good food just because of Mr. Crotchety.
She came back with a bag and handed me it. I left the restaurant and went to were Devin had parked his car. I opened the passenger door and right when I closed it Devin stepped on the gas pedal making me scream in fright.
"Shut up and put on your seat belt," he demanded. I did as I was told and then put the bag with the food in the back seat.
"Um were are we going?" I asked when I noticed he was driving the opposite way to our house.
"Were going to pay my brother a small visit," he said with a small and mischievous grin.
Thank you all for reading please vote and comment. By the way I made a trailer yay. It will be to the side. Bye.
Many don't get this chapter and when I get time I definitely will fix it but for now here are some questions I answered that arises during this chapter...
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