I took a long gulp of the beer I had just ordered.
It was a Monday night and here I was drinking away my problems with my friends. Conner was my drinking buddy for the night while Sidney was on the dance floor grinding on some random guys crotch.
I slammed the glass bottle on the bar's counter when I had finally gulped down all of the bitter tasting liquids it contained.
"This time give me something with a kick to it," I told the bartender as she picked up the empty bottle.
"And I would like another cold beer with a side of you," Conner said in an attempt to flirt with the poor girl. Again attempted because she showed him her left hand and pointed to her ring finger. A small yet catching diamond sat proud on a thin golden ring. I snicked at his rejection.
"What are you laughing at. At least I don't have a nagging husband calling me every five seconds. By the way he's calling again." Conner pointed to the buzzing phone on the counter as it flashed Devin wildly. "Damn answer it that stupid ring tone is driving me crazy."
I picked it up. It took me a bit to finally answer since I know he was going to lecture me since I did sneak out without telling anyone. Damn those security guards, I bet they snitched on me.
"Hello?" I chimed.
"Where the hell are you!" Was the first thing I heard come out of the phones speaker.
"I'm out."
"And where exactly is out?" He questioned in a hard tone.
"Out is at a dance club."
"And what is the dance club's name," he said slowly mimicking my tone.
"Umm... I don't remember." I rubbed my neck in an attempt to remember but it didn't work. I guess the two shots of vodka and four beers wasn't a good mix if wanting to remember things.
"Samantha try to remember."
"I can't. Conner what's the clubs name?"
"Why?" Conner asked as he looked at me with his drunken expression.
"Devin wants to know."
"Why does Devin want to know?" Now that was a good question.
"Devin, why do you want to know the name?"
There was a short pause before he answered. "I want to know because I'm positive your drunk and you need a sober driver."
Gosh he worries to much. Even though I might be intoxicated I'm not stupid to not remember to call a cab. Yet I'm stupid enough to forget the damn name of this place.
"Miss," I called for the bartender. She came to me and then waited for what I had to say. "What's the name of this place?"
"Sea View," she answered and soon left to go attend someone else.
"I heard." He then hung up just like that. He worries way to much.
"So he's coming to pick you up?" Conner asked from beside me.
It only took Devin a couple of minutes to get to the club. He walked in with a stone face that could freeze hell over.
"Someone's mad," Sidney said as she took in his face as well.
"More like someone's in trouble," Conner said.
It didn't take long before he was standing in front of us.
"Lets go," he commanded.
"Not yet," I told him as I turned around to face a bartender cleaning glasses. I ordered a bottle of tequila. He handed it to me and I paid for it. I then turned back around and said, "Ready."
Devin eyed the bottle before taking my left hand and dragging me out of the club.
"Wait what about my friends."
"I called them a cab."
"I could have just done that," I mumbled as I wiggled my hand out of his grasp. When I was finally able to I opened the bottle and took a small drink.
"You have a problem."
I didn't not have a drinking problem. Okay maybe a little one and it was only stress drinking. Gosh I need help.
I looked around outside and spotted the beach shore near by.
I ventured off into my own trail as I walked to the glistening waters.
"Where are you going?" Devin asked from afar.
I ignored him and just kept walking. When I could finally smell the salt water I dropped the tequila bottle not caring if it spilled. I took of my black flats and right when I was going to take off my dress Devin's voice stopped me.
"Samantha what are you doing?" Devin had caught up and was now looking at me dead in the eyes.
"I'm taking a dip," I stated matter of fact.
I found the zipper to the side of my dress and pulled it down only to be stopped by Devin's hand.
"You can take a dip at our pool that's at home and preferably tomorrow when you've sobered up."
He was no fun. Can't this guy just stop. He fucking cock blocked my fun two times tonight.
I picked up my shows and let myself be dragged to his car.
It was bad enough that I had let Devin experience me drunk once but twice. I felt ashamed of myself.
A small knock came from my door. I stood up and went to open the door to find one of the maids standing there holding out an envelope.
"This came for you Miss," the middle aged women said as she handed me the envelope.
I took it and then said thank you. I closed the door and went into my balcony where my breakfast was set up. I took a seat and opened it. As I scanned it I felt a smile tug my lips.
It was an invitation from my grandparents inviting my new husband and I for lunch tomorrow.
I placed the invitation next to my food and began to eat the divine tasting breakfast.

Living A Fake Life (Slowly Editing)
ChickLitI was forced into a marriage of my parent's choosing. Strapped down and saddled to a man who only cared about himself. I couldn't force myself out of the marriage because I had made a stupid move by signing a contract that I never knew about. Now he...