My head hurt.
That was all I was thinking about as I sat in the theater chair sandwiched in between my mother and my mother-in-law.
I placed my head in my hands and just started at the now eye catching floor. The wood seamed to have a historical view but at the same time it was modern. It seemed to be polished to perfection as if not to be gone near to, but here I was stomping my large lady feet all over the pristine wooding. I felt like I was hurting it with every second. Wait why was I feeling bad for wooded flooring? Oh yeah because it seemed to be the only fun thing to do.
"I will die loving you," the scrawny young play actor who was the main male character said.
Who in their right mind would die for someone. This was total and utter bullshit. First the boy and the girl somehow fall in love with each other at firstsight. That's just full of crap. The only reason someone would fall in love at first sight is if each of them were very and I mean very good looking, but still all they would love would be outer appearance and let me just say these actors wouldn't pull a long straw in a beauty challenge. They were average, but who was I to talk when I was no different.
I looked at the female actor who was drenched in fake tears as she said some thing to the guy. Then the antagonist came strolling in. May I just say he had me melting since his first appearance. Now this was love at first sight. His golden hair shimmered under the stage lights as his forest depth of eyes made you feel lost. Now this is what I call very very good looking. Why did the bad guys always end up being hot. Like in Titanic that rich bastard Rose was going to marry was like a god sent from above.
"You shall die a criminal," the deep thawed voice of Mr Hoty drove me back to staring at the stage once again.
Maybe my head didn't hurt anymore.
I watched tentatively as he strode gracefully around the stage and with every keen smirk he made I swooned even more.
When the play ended and it was time for the audience to show their gratitude I stood up and clapped eagerly.
"Mom," I chimed slowly while looking in her direction.
"Yes," she said with a bit of fright in her tone. She must have known I wanted something. It had been a habit ever since I was little to say things with so much energy yet to speak it out slowly when I wanted something.
"By any chance do the tickets you bought allow us to go to the after party for the actors?" It was a long shot but I just need to find out who that handsome actor was.
"They do, but we have somewhere to be in less than thirty minutes so we can't go." She turned on her phone a typed something before putting it back away in her white purse.
I frowned a bit, but when Mrs. Maker whispered something into my ear I was smiling like a little kid on Christmas.
"Dear praise the lord. That boy playing the mad husband was candy to my eyes. Too bad we can't go to that party."
I was glad to know that I wasn't the only one that thought that about Mr Hotie.
"Pardon?" My mom asked when she caught us making snarky comments of Mr Hotie right in front of her.
"Oh I was just tell Samantha here how when I was younger I was an actress too." Mr Maker put a had to her hip and threw one to the air for a dramatic pose.
I snicked a laugh as I took in the embarrassing pose that was attracting the attention of on lookers.
"Well that's nice, but we have to go now. Your not forgetting anything right Samantha?" My mom questioned. Ever sice I had forgotten my clutch four years ago at a banquet party she had always put it to her joy to mock me and alwasy ask if I wasn't forgetting anything.
"I have everything," I mumbled as I walked down the aisle and through the exit doors with both women right beind.
We all walked out of the building and out to the valet.
The crisp midnight air pinched my cheeks to turn a light shade of crimson. This was what I got for forgetting my jacket at home.
"I said wait there. Well then you better be patient." I tured around to catch my mom in an intense conversation on her phone. She soon started to whisper lowly making it hard to hear especially with the soft wind making her voice more mumbled.
When she hung up I gave her a confused look. She just ignored me and walked foward to where the limo was now parked.
I followed behind and got in.
I thought my ears where stolen from my head when all the words I had just been told registered in my head.
After a very awkward drive to Devin's parent's house both my parents and Devin's sat Devin and I down for a talk.
May I just say that the talk that they gave us was nothing expected.
Tonight I had finally learned what the hell that contract was all about.
Now dictating word by word the contract stated.
The partnership of Devin Maker and Samantha Maker must last a total of five full years. If partnership is broken by either party the party who broke the contract must pay the other party the fee enlisted bellow.
So let me just say that the fee had a lot of zeros after the one. I had to do a double take to that number.
If contract is wished to be broken earlier then the five years enlisted the female party must produce an heir or heiress. After both parties have completed the contract each party is allowed to take belongings that belong to them when in marriage. Both parties must be faithful. If a party is not faithful and is caught in action consequences will occur.
There was more to the contract but I had no wishing in remembering the rest. It just went on and on about how the marrige was going to work and bla bla bla.
What scared me about the contract though was the fact that I would have to spend five years married to Devin and if I wanted it to end earlier I would have to produce a child of both him and I. It grossed me the hell out. I would never in a billion years let that STD infected rich man lay a hand on me in any sexual way. I would be long dead before that ever happened.
"Samantha?" I heard my name being called back to reality.
I snapped out of my faze and looked at my parents and then at everyone else. I took a short glance at Devin who sat stone faced next to me.
"How do you feel about this?" My mom asked.
"I feel... well I feel used since I never was told I had signed this paper at the wedding in the first place."
"Well you would have never agreed if you knew."
"Correct. I would have never agreed to such an idiodic plan. Since it seems tonight I'm finally becomeing aware of what is going on may someone please answer one question that has been going on in my mind since the first night I was forced into this? Why in the world did Devin and I have to get married?"
"When Nathaniel, your father was in college with Edward, Devin's father they made a drunken proposal that both of their first borns, if one had a daughter and the other a son their children would marry each other. They legally signed to this agreement. When they seperated and each settled to their new lives they never thought that their drunken mistake would be literally taken by their lawyer who made the legal document. And now here we are because of them."
I wasn't going to ponder any long on the subject that had me confused out of my mind. Instead I nodded in understandment.
Once again sorry that this is late. I was sick and I still am but I'm starting to feel better. Yay. Okay so please vote and comment. Bye.

Living A Fake Life (Slowly Editing)
ChickLitI was forced into a marriage of my parent's choosing. Strapped down and saddled to a man who only cared about himself. I couldn't force myself out of the marriage because I had made a stupid move by signing a contract that I never knew about. Now he...