Here I was thinking Google had the answer to anything and everything. I was wrong. For almost two damn hours I had been in front of my computer's screen looking up how to not develop feelings for your fake husband. There was nothing, zero, zilch. I wanted to sue Google right that moment and demand an answer to my question. I was mad and confused.
I started to press random keys out of frustration only to be interrupted when a Skype call popped up on my screen. It was Conner.
I pressed answer and waited for him to pop up on the screen.
"Hey Sammy!" He chimed in a cheerful tone.
"Hi." My voice sounded depressing just like my feelings at the moment.
"Someone's a sour puss tonight," he murmured under his breath expecting I wouldn't hear, only I did and that earned him a glare. "Damn sorry I didn't know it was that time of the month. You should have forewarned me. I wouldn't have called if I knew."
"It's not my time of the month. Anyway I might be mad because your calling at midnight or maybe it's because Google is stupid." I folded my arms and leaned on the office chair.
I was in one of almost ten offices that this mansion of Devin's had. Let me tell you it sure took a damn while to find at least one of them. The maids had been of no help they didn't talk at all, they just pointed. Was that like a new trend that was going around because if it was I never heard about it?
"Hey, hey, hey, hey!" Conner snapped. "I get that you all mad and moody, but that is not a good reason to talk crap about Google. Let me just tell you it helped me pass three years of science in high school. It should be praised not dissed." Oh no. Conner had started to show his protective side for Google. This was not going to end well. "Should I remind you once again how it saved my life when I didn't know how to cook back in the days. Google has been with me through thick and thin and has always and I mean always gave me an answer to everything I've asked it."
Dear lord what did I do to deserve this? Please make it stop. It didn't stop.
He kept it going for a while, a long while. I have to say Conner has always been a deep guy. No wonder he couldn't keep a girlfriend. He would always scare the poor girl off by talking about the future and what he wanted. Like what his wedding would be like and how many children he wanted. They would go running off the moment they heard those words come out of his lips. I think he's going to be an old cat man. He already has one cat all he needs is a couple more.
I felt my eyes start to fail me when Conner somehow got to talking about how oranges were not unique at all since their name was their color and bla, bla, bla.
I jolted awake the istent my name was shouted.
"Conner please let me sleep. Go to another room to scream bloody murder." I lent my head once again to the surprisingly comfortable desk.
"I'm pretty sure you don't want to sleep on a desk and wake up with an aching neck."
He had a point. I said a goodbye to him and closed my laptop. I picked it up and headed for my room. As I walked to my room I heard the banging of pots and pans coming from downstairs. I quickly left my laptop in my room and headed downstairs.
I entered the kitchen to catch a man facing me with his back. This is so the perfect moment to be carrying around pepper spray. Gosh dammit it's in my room.
I looked around and the only available object was a spoon. Could this day get any better? Wait it just did. The mysterious man reached for the knife's drawer.
I quickly grabbed the spoon and threw it to his back while at the same time screaming my lungs out.
The man quickly turned around and started to say many curse words in spanish. I caught a few since I did know a little bit of Spanish .
"What was that for?" He asked in his thick spanish accent, which might I say was very sexy.
"Ohhh, hi Pablo," I said the moment I recognized his face from the ball. "I thought you were a criminal for a second."
"A criminal in a tuxedo?" He asked while pointing to his clothes.
"I didn't notice since I was in a state of terror. So why are you here?"
"Well lets just say Devin and I were at a club and I kinda lost him. I thought he might have come home but looks like he's not here."
"You don't say."
"So umm I thought I would just make myself a sandwich while I waited for my amigo."
I nodded my head and walked to where he stood. The smell of expensive wine and shots made it ways to me.
"Did you drive here all by yourself in your drunken state?" I looked him over and his bloodshot eyes caught my attention.
"Yes. I'm a big boy."
"Yes you are." I walked over to the fridge and got the container full of fresh water. I took out a cup from the cupboard and poured the water in. "Here. This will help." I handed Pablo the glass and he gladly accepted it.
He eagerly drank the whole glass in one gulp. His adam's apple bobbing with each swallow.
"Where do you think Devin is?"
"I guess he left with one of the girls that he was dancing with." Pablo shrugged his shoulders.
I felt my stomach twist with jealousy. Gish was this one of the side effects? I don't like it.
"Sounds like someone must be having fun tonight," I mumbled.
"I know. Lucky asshole. I could have gotten laid too if I hadn't come looking for him."
"No you could have gotten a higher risk of catching a disease that one of those girls could have had."
"Do you really think I would be that reckless as to not ask for a clean report from them?"
We both waited a while for Devin, but when he didn't come I left to go upstairs to my room. I hoped Pablo would be okay all by himself he was as he said a big boy.
My phone started to ring right before I went to sleep. I answered without looking at the caller ID.
"Samantha I'm lost." Devin's voice said from the other line.
"What do you mean your lost?"
"Well I took a wrong turn and now I don't know where I am."
"Where were you going?" I was pretty sure that even drunk he could remember his address.
"I was going to Ashley's place." I heard a female giggle coming from the background and instantly felt like hanging up.
"Okay then ask her to help. Goodbye Devin."
"Wait!" He sounded desperate for my help.
I waited for him to continue.
"Please. I helped you when you where drunk." Oh he remembers that but not his way around Miami.
It took me a while to finally agree. If I got in an accident while driving I was going to blame him because it wouldn't be my fault I fell asleep.

Living A Fake Life (Slowly Editing)
ChickLitI was forced into a marriage of my parent's choosing. Strapped down and saddled to a man who only cared about himself. I couldn't force myself out of the marriage because I had made a stupid move by signing a contract that I never knew about. Now he...