I was starting to feel kind of sick at this point. Just thinking of how many girls he's been with is disgusting. Think about it. He could have some sort of infection. Eww! I had to kiss him at our wedding. Yeah I know the only way I could get anything from him is from intercourse but still I had to touch him. Why am I even thinking about this? Oh yeah because you just found out your current husband has been with maybe a million women and her you are currently sitting with him and one of them while there being all lovey dove right in front of you. By the way this is not somewhere I would like to be.
I cleared my throat to make my presence known when things were starting to pass PG-13. They both stopped kissing and looked my way and I instantly felt put on the spot. They were both looking at me but Melody was rather throwing daggers then just glaring while Devin was just plainly staring.
"If you will excuse your selves but I just found out there's this hotel just a block away for you to continue this thing you have going on here. Just to put it out there this is also my company so I can kick out whoever I want and right now I'm telling you two lovers to go get a room or stop your little show before I need someone to fetch me a barf bag." I looked at them both dead in the eyes and waited patiently for someone to talk.
"Samantha's right Mel I have to get back to work you should go now."
Melody snapped her head to Devin and looked at him in plain disbelief.
"Your kicking me out?"
"No. I'm saying you should go now."
Devin took Melody off of his lap and stood up and started to fix his suit. He led Melody to the door and before she got out she placed a big sloppy kiss on his already throbbed lips. Okay yup, I need that barf bag now.
He closed the door when she was out and got back to his desk to do what ever it is he did.
After six long hours of being in the same office as Devin I felt ready to pull my ears out. He kept on tapping his pen on the desk when he would start to think and I'm just going to put it out there that this man thinks a bit to much. When I finally was done with the annoying tapping sound I stood up, took the pen from his grasp, and broke it making all of the black ink spill on my blouse and his desk. He now owes me a new top.
"Great look what you just did!" He roared out in anger.
"You caused it Mr. I need to tap my stupid pen every time because if I don't I might go crazy."
"Well if that's what you wanted me to stop doing you could have just politely asked."
"Well it looks like I'm the person to take action a different way," I said while crossing me arms and I can't believe I was stupid enough because at that point now my arms where covered in ink. Way to go Samantha.
"Do you have a bathroom in here?"
"Through that door." Devin pointed to a door that I was just now starting to notice. I walked to it and before I opened it Devin spoke up.
"I'm going to need you to go buy me a new pen."
"Why you have millions on your desk."
"That was a one of a kind pen that was specially decided for my hand so now your going to have to go to the store where I had it specially made and tell them I need another one exactly like the last one I bought."
He got his pens specially made for him? He's a freak. He can't just use a normal pen no it's not good enough he had to have it made just for him.
I gave him a tight smile and knodded before entering the bathroom and locking the door.
I turned around and looked at the mirror that hung above the glass sink. My shirt was covered in black smudges. Good thing I don't even like this shirt, but Devin still owes me one.
I turned on the sink and started to wash of the ink that was on my arms. When I was done I took the hand towel and dried myself off until I was fully done. I opened the door and walked back to my seat.
"Why are you sitting down?" Devin asked while eyeing me.
"Because I want to sit down?"
"Get up and get my new pen. Now!" He was angry and he was taking out his anger on me.
"Well Mr. Smart Ass if you haven't noticed yet I am in no condition to go out right now," I said while pointing at my blouse.
Devin took a look to where I was pointing and scuffed out in annoyance. He then opened a drawer and dug into it. He pulled out a white dress shirt that belonged to him and the held it up to me.
"Change and then go get my pen."
I walked up to him and took the over sized button down. I walked over to the bathroom and changed out of my red blouse. I looked in the mirror and started to arrange the shirt into fitting me better by tucking in the bottum inside my skirt. When I was finally done I left the bathroom and walked up to Devin and held out my palm for him.
"What?" He asked when he saw me waiting.
"I accept money or a bank card and a tip so I can pass by to get myself a treat later."
He gave me an annoyed look and then took out a large black pouch that looked overfilled and took out a couple hundred dollar bills. He handed me them and I started to count them, which took a long fucking time may I add.
"How much does this pen cost?" He had gave me four thousands dollars to buy his stupid pen.
"Just leave already," he snapped.
"Well before that can happen you need to give me the directions and the keys to your car."
"Your not going to drive my car anytime soon," he said staring dead into my eyes. He then grabed a normal pen from a cup full of them and got a sticky note to write on. When he was done he gave it to me and told me to take a cab.
I walked to the reception desk on the first floor and asked him if he could hale me a cab.
"Will do right away Miss." He then grabbed the phone on his desk and dialed a number. "The cab will be here shortly."
"How long is shortly?"
"Three minutes."
"Thanks." I walked out of the building and waited for the cab. When it finally arrived I got in and gave the driver the directions. I sat in the back seat for a couple of minutes until the cab finally plullrd to a stop. I gave the man a hundred dollar bill and got out.
The store was fancy looking from the outside and on the window a big picture of a pen was on display. I walked up to the door and entered the lavish pen store.
"How can I assist you madam?" An old looking lady asked when I got to the cashier.
"Well I'm here on behalf of Devin Maker. He would like a new one of a kind pen."
"Oh Mr. Maker. We will start on the pen right away. The total cost will be two thousand dollars." Damn what are these pens made of, gold?
I gave her the money and then left. Couldn't he have just called to get his stupid pen? Maybe he just wanted me out of his sight for a while.
I left the store and started to walk outside.

Living A Fake Life (Slowly Editing)
ChickLitI was forced into a marriage of my parent's choosing. Strapped down and saddled to a man who only cared about himself. I couldn't force myself out of the marriage because I had made a stupid move by signing a contract that I never knew about. Now he...