My head felt like it was about to burst from the continuous pounding that wouldn't stop. I pulled the covers over my face and just laid in bed not wanting to get up, but my thirst quenching throat told me to get up and get water to drink. My throat felt like it had been squeezed dry from all of the contents. I groaned and then took the covers of my face only to pull them back up when my poor eyes started to burn from the bright sun light.
"Miss Samantha is something wrong?" A sweet voice asked.
"Please close the curtains."
I then heard shuffling around the room and when I felt it was safe to finally take my head out of the covers I took a look at the young girl cleaning around my room. She looked only about a few years older than me.
"Miss Samantha lunch is being served already if you want to go and join Mr Maker." Lunch? Had I slept in that long.
I took my phone off of my bedside table and checked the bright bold numbers on my phone's clock. It read eleven forty-five.
"Okay," I said.
I got out of the warmth of my bed and went into my bathroom. I looked at my face in the mirror and scrunched up my nose when I saw my make up smeared. I looked for my make up removing wipes and started to get the gunk off of my face. When I was finally done with that I took a quick shower and got dressed in a simple white tank top and jeans. I put my hair into a messy pony and then went down stairs to eat lunch.
"I said I wanted to meet with him today not tomorrow. Who said he could change the damn meeting anyway. Well tell him today or he will have to wait to get another meeting." I looked at Devin with curious eyes and wondered about who he was talking about. "It's final." With that he hung up the call and stuffed his phone into his pant suits pocket.
"Some ones cranky," I murmured under my breath. I bet he didn't even hear me because he just started to eat the contents on his plate.
I took a seat at the left of him were another plate was set up with chicken salad and a cup of water to the side. I immediately drowned the water making my dry throat better. Okay I need more water now.
"Look who finally woke up," Devin said when he finally noticed me.
"I have just woken up. I woke up a while ago I just need to fix up," I retorted back to him.
"Whatever. Anyway Mrs. Williamson called me earlier today saying she will come and pick up those million dollars you owe." I chocked on piece of chicken I was eating when he said I owed a million dollars. He's fucking with me right? I don't remember ever owing a million dollars yesterday. Come to think of it I don't remember much from yesterday. Maybe I was stupid enough to bid on something. Damn it.
"What did I bid on yesterday?" I asked casually and continued to eat my salad.
"A trip to Spain."
Oh Spain. Sounds exotic. I've never been there. I hope our stay is in Madrid. Gosh Samantha get your head out of the gutter. You just spent a miliion dollars on a stupid trip. Well technically not stupid since it sounds fun but still pretty stupid.
"Devin can I ask for a huge favor?" I asked and looked at him with a cute smile.
"You want me to give you the million dollars don't you? Well I guess I can, but what will I get from it?" I literally almost hugged him but then his words replayed and I sat looking at him confused. What could I give him?
"Elucidate your last sentence," I said intrigued at what he would say next.
"I have been on your mom's and my mom's radar since they found out I was with someone else," he started.
"Hold up how did your mom find out about Melody?"
"Your mom told my mom the day she saw Melody at my house."
"Our house," I said clarifying.
"Our house."
"Much better. You may continue," I said and motioned for him to go on.
"Well all I want from you is to pretend I'm no longer with her," he explained.
"But you still will be with her?"
"Yes," he said pronouncing every syllable slowly ad if I was deaf.
"But wouldn't that be lying. OMG Devin wants me to lie to our own blood about something so sacred," I said in a sarcastic tone. I wanted to dye of laughter when I noticed something twitch in Devin's jaw. I need to really ask him some day how to do that cool move.
"I'm being serious Samantha," he said looking at me with a deadly glare. I glared back at him with the same expression he gave me.
"Okay fine. On one condition."
"What else do you want I'm already cleaning up your mess," he said a bit to loudly making g my already pounding head pound more.
"I want a job," I said lowering my head a bit.
"Why do you want a job?" He asked.
"Well I don't want to spend all my time in the house might as well keep myself busy somehow."
"Fine." I looked up and plastered a cheesy gin on my face. I really thought he was going to oppose on that.
"But." Oh come one. Why does there have to be a but? "You will work for me."
"Why?" I whinnied like a little girl.
"You said you want a job and I'm giving you an opportunity to have a job. Take it or leave it." He folded his arms and leaned against the cushioned dining chair.
I huffed out a "fine" and continued to eat my now not so appetizing salad.
When I finished eating I walked out of the dining room and was heading to my room when Agatha stopped me in my tracks.
"Mrs. Maker the gardener found these when mowing the front lawn. I presume they're yours," the kind old lady said while handing me the heels I wore yesterday. How the heck did they end up on the lawn?
"Thank you Agatha," I said and then left her and went into my room only to find someone standing out in my balcony.

Living A Fake Life (Slowly Editing)
ChickLitI was forced into a marriage of my parent's choosing. Strapped down and saddled to a man who only cared about himself. I couldn't force myself out of the marriage because I had made a stupid move by signing a contract that I never knew about. Now he...