Melody stared at me with hatred in her amber eyes. Her expression was of one of a jelouse women. A second later that cool hatred that she showed was gone and was replaced with saticfaction. Why is she so happy?
"Hello eveyone and welcome to the 2014 anual charity ball," Mrs Williamson said as she spoke into a microphone at the stage in the front of the room. "I would just like to say thank you to everyone who participates today. Today all the money we raise will go to the orphan children, so make sure to at least donate a little. Now I would like to present my right hand women whom by the way was the on who organized this whole thing, Melody Striker." People started to clap and then Melody stepped onto the stage. Since when is she Mrs Williamson's right hand women? I've never even heard her talk about Melody.
She gave a little speach about how honorable it was for her to be a part in creating this event. I didn't listen to her speech that well though because honestly she was boring me to death. Finally Mrs. Williamson took the microphone again and began she the auction. The first thing being auctioned off was donated by the mayor and his wife. It was a 5 night stay at one of the hotels in Las Vegas.
"The bidding will start at ten thousand dollars," Mrs. Williamson said. The biding went on and finally was sold for forty-five thousand dollars. In my opinion that is too much damn money, but it's going to a good cause. Well at least 80% is going to a good cause.
I was getting bored like always. This was usually the reasons I didn't come, it was always boring. I then saw a waiter coming buy holding a tray of wine. I took two glasses of the clear wine and smiled kindly at the waiter who I have to say was not half bad looking. I poured the bitter tasting liquid down my mouth all in one gulp. I was about to do the same to the second when it was snatched out of my hands.
"You shouldn't be drinking too much Samantha," Devin said in a commanding voice thinking I would actually listen. I wasn't going to listen to the party pooper of the night.
I gave him the look of I'm going to do just that, but I think I didn't do such a good job because he gave me a confused look. I picked up my dress with one hand and walked to the bar. I think I've learned my lesson on what happens when I'm not careful in this death trap.
"Excuse me, sir," I said to the man in front of me blocking my way to the bar. The man turned around and I felt my breath hitch in my throught. It can't be. Oh shit I gotta get out of here. I made a swift turn and made a run to were ever I went.
"Samantha!" He called from behind me but I didn't dare to stop until I knew where I was. I was back in the garden.
That moment I couldn't control my feelings and I broke down in the middle of the garden. It couldn't be him. Wasn't he suppose to be in London. All of the hurt and all of my anger was coming back and I was an emotional mess on the floor.
"Samantha," this time my name came from him with such sympathy. I looked at the passive grey eyes of the man I never wanted to see ever again.
"Get away from me, please," I begged and continued to sob into my knees.
"Samantha listen to me. I really am sorry for everything I did. I screwed up big time."
I looked up at him and all of the thing I tried to forget from my past came crashing down on me. "Of course Asher, I'll forgive you for fucking up my life! I will total forgive you for going around and fucking other people!" I screamed with sarcasm dripping in every word.
"Samantha calm-" how dare he tell me to calm down. This is all his fault for me going all mad women on him. He caused this. I did the only thing I thought would shut him up. I slapped him making his cheek turn beet red. Also making my palm sting like hell. Shit. Okay I need ice now.
He rubbed the spot I slapped and then was about to say something when I decided I wasn't done just yet. I stopped on his foot with the heel of my heel and digged it into his foot making him screen in pain. Okay I think I'm done. I turned around and gracefully walked to the door. Wow how long I have wanted to do that.
I walk back to the ball room like nothing just happened and go to the bar. I'm in desperate need of one right now.
"What may I get you miss?" The bartender asked me.
"Give me two glasses of the strongest alcohol you have." When the bartender gets both my drinks I drink both of them lightning fast. I don't think that was a good idea because seconds later I feel my self having a hard time keeping my self still. I do the best I can and go to the table were Devin is now seated at. I slump in my seat and close my eyes.
"How much did you fucken drink Samantha," Devin hisses from beside me.
"Just a little," I say and indicate with my fingers a little and giggle at it. I don't know why but I feel like just laughing right now.
"Next up is a two week long stay at one of the finest hotels in Spain. The bidding will start at twenty thousand dollars," Mrs Williamson said from the stage. I think it was the alcohal talking but next thing I know I'm standing up and bidding for that trip.
"One million dollars!" I say all too cheering. I feel two strong hands on my waist trying to make me sit bit I won't budge.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm bidding Devin because I want to go to Spain." I say slowly so he can understand my reasons.
"One million going once, going twice, sold!" Mrs Williamson has this huge smile plastered on her face and it just brightens me that I made that happen.
"Are you crazy Samantha," Devin says from my left side.
"No, I'm just happy!" I say very loudly. Devin then grabbs my hand and draggs me to the exit. "Wait we can't go yet, I haven't even danced yet. Devin please can we stay a bit longer." I pulled and tugged his arm hoping he would let us go back but he didn't. "Party pooper," I muttered to my self and just kept on following him until we got to the place were all the cars were.
"My feet hurt Devy!" I whined.
"What did you just call me?" He said turning his head to look straight into my eyes.
"Devy! I love how it sounds and it fits you perfectly. Now can you carry me my feet hurt. Please, pretty please." I pouted my lips and all I got form him was a deep throat laugh.
"Don't do that," I said acting a lot like a mad four year old and what did he do, he laughed even harder.
"You know what my feet don't hurt any more. I don't need you meany." I was about to walk to further to were the car was parked when I felt myself being lifted up bridal style.
"As you wish my princess," he said with a smirk.
"Don't drop me," I said.
He carried me all the way to his car and when it was time for me to let go of him I didn't want to. I felt good in his arms.
"You can let go now."
"I dont want to," I say my and tighten my grip on his neck.
"Samantha your going to choke me," he says a little out of breath.
"Fine." He lets go of me and I'm so glad I was holding on to him or I would have fallen. I finally let go of him and open the door to the passengers seat. Devin goes around the car and then he gets in. The driver—who had been waiting for us— started the engine and then started driving back to Devin's—well technically our house.
So at first I had thought of another guy to play Devin but then I chose differently. So now I decided Zac to play Devin because well he's just hot, lol. Okay so anyway picture of Devin to the side.

Living A Fake Life (Slowly Editing)
ChickLitI was forced into a marriage of my parent's choosing. Strapped down and saddled to a man who only cared about himself. I couldn't force myself out of the marriage because I had made a stupid move by signing a contract that I never knew about. Now he...