My heart sped with every second that passed and with every slow beat that was played in the elevator. My breathing picked up its pace with just stepping foot into the Maker hotel in London. I was nervous about what his response would be. I had been playing out all sorts of scenarios while on the plane ride. None seemed realistic enough to happen. What if he didn't feel the way I did for him? I would make a fool of myself today, but thinking it over, again and again, it seemed like the right thing to do. It would give me closure and subside all my thoughts that swirled with the what if's.
The ringing of the elevator doors opening brought me out of my revere and I took hasty steps out. My hands were shaking and my palms were producing disgusting amounts of sweat. This is what happened when I got nervous and this moment was one of those, but worse.
I walked over to the penthouse suite and stood in front of the door. I looked down at the room number I scribbled down after talking to Devin's father, and double checked if I was at the right place. A small tinge in me hoped that I had the wrong room so I would just leave and forget about all of this but I couldn't. After a while of being a heartbroken love sick puppy, I found someone I wanted to keep. I had fallen for someone again and I need to make sure he felt the same. I didn't want to get hurt again.
I checked the time on my phone and hoped he was still awake since it was ten at night. He was probably already in bed. I shouldn't disturb him and I should come back tomorrow. Nope, you're doing this now or you will never do it.
I closed my palm and lightly knocked on the dark wood door. When no answer came, I knocked again with more force. This made a groan come from the other side and shuffling sounds to be made. The door swung open, revealing Devin with only a pair of boxers on.
"You really would answer the door in just that?" I asked, drawing my finger to size him up and down.
At the sound of my voice, his blue orbs lifted up and he finally acknowledged that it was I who was the one that had just knocked. His face held and unreadable expression and I hope it wasn't a bad one.
His mouth opened as if he were going to say something, but I beat him to it and spoke before him. "May I come in?" My voice came soft and barely audible to the ears, but he heard and he stepped aside to let me gain entrance.
Once inside, I walked over to the couch in the living area and placed my purse on the coffee table before taking a seat. Devin, on the other hand, just walked over to where I sat and stood in front of me with a questioning expression.
"Do you care to explain your visit?" He asked, staring down at me. Not feeling comfortable with feeling so small, I stood up, only to now be standing close enough to Devin to be able to smell the mint on his breath.
"I came because-because..." I paused not knowing how to explain that I wanted to keep him in my life. That I didn't want to divorce him. And that attraction I had toward him might have turned into something more. Something that I wanted in my life.
"Because what, Samantha?" I looked up at Devin, and I couldn't help but stare into his eyes. Hoping to find some happiness at the sight of my visit. I didn't see anything though, only tiresome eyes looked back at my own.
I bit my lip before continuing with my eyes looking at my fingers. "I came because I needed you to know that I don't want the divorce."
"Samantha, you were the one that initiated the divorce to start with."
"Well, I'm going to be the one that wants to terminate it now." I took a quick glance at him before continuing. "Devin, the past weeks were amazing and I hope I'm not the only one who thought they were. They made me contradict a lot of my decisions I had been making recently and I came to the conclusion that I want to be with you. That is, if you feel the same way.
I think that I might've fallen for you. I'm not sure because I don't want to put myself fully out there without your reassurance that you too might feel the same."
Silence fell upon us and the dead of the night surrounded us. The audible sound of the AC consumed us. Devin spoke no words nor did he move. When I looked up to meet his gaze, I forced myself to not look away. His stare was intense as though he didn't hear correctly and was replaying what I just said.
I wanted to take it back. I wanted to go back in time and change my decision of stepping through the door and opening my mouth. If only we had that technology already.
"Samantha," his voice was full of apology and he didn't need to continue for me to know what his next words would be. He didn't feel the same and I just made a complete and utter fool of myself.
"Don't," I stopped him from continuing. I didn't what to hear his words. I didn't what to hear him say sorry but I don't feel that way.
"Samantha," he went to grab my elbow, but I swatted his hand away and moved around him to get my purse.
"I-I should go."
He didn't let me go though. He grabbed me and spun me around so I was facing him. Our chests were now against each others and my breathing quickened.
"Samantha, I need you to understand why." With his free hand, he put a hand in his hair and tugged it with gentle force. His eyes shut briefly and just as the moment came it left.
"I can't make you happy." My heart sank at his words because they were untrue.
"But you have," came my thoughts that didn't know how to stop.
"That wasn't really me. Samantha, I pretended to have fun with you so you wouldn't want a divorce because if you got that, I would lose my company. My father blackmailed me. All that time that we were on the date and Spain wasn't me. It was the me that didn't want to lose a company."
"So you used me?" My voice came as a whisper as I spoke. He hadn't meant any of his actions. He was just playing with my feelings and I was just a puppet and he was the master. I let myself become a fool by him.
"Yes," he said so hushedly I might not have heard it.
Tears brimmed in my eyes at the realization that love was just not for me. Men, in general, were just not for me since I always ended up falling for someone who in the end would just break my heart. I didn't let them fall though. Instead, I took an intake of breath and looked him straight in the eyes.
"Well, Devin Maker, I hope you can one day realize how fucked up you were with all of your lies. How fucked up it was to use people around you for your own benefit and not care who's feelings you crushed along the way. Please, do me the favor and stay out of my life when we are officially nothing to each other. Goodbye, Devin, it was something to get to know you."
I left that night with nothing gained, but another broken heart that was shattered by a manipulating bastard. Life is just great.
Okay so I have posted a prequel to this story called,
Forever Alive
I will start it when this story is done. So far I only have the summary up but go check it out and see if you will be interested in reading it.
Now as for this story, it will end in about a chapter or two. AND don't kill me yet since this was sad and I know many of you guys want Devin and Samantha to be together but you will just have to wait until the end to see if you still want to kill me or not. I MIGHT write a sequel depending on how some factors play out (:
As for now I hope you liked this chapter.
By the way THANK YOU for 600K reads. I'm glad there are many of you who enjoy they story. I remember when I first got like 60 views and I was freaking out and I still do every time I see how many of you read, comment and vote. Thank you again for all the support and reads on my story.
Please vote and comment.
Bye (:

Living A Fake Life (Slowly Editing)
Chick-LitI was forced into a marriage of my parent's choosing. Strapped down and saddled to a man who only cared about himself. I couldn't force myself out of the marriage because I had made a stupid move by signing a contract that I never knew about. Now he...