Devin pounded his fist on the receptionist desk when the old man told him for the fifth time that his brother was busy and didn't want anyone to disturb him.
"If you don't let me go up to see my jackass of a brother I will make sure you get fired from your job because you can't do it right," Devin said while raising his voice. This had been going on for a couple of minutes now and Devin just couldn't register it in his mind that his brother was busy.
I took a hold of his upper arm with both my hands and tried to make him go sit down in one of the near by chairs, but do to my not so muscular grip I couldn't even make him take a step back or even move his arm.
I turned to the elder man with the over grown white beard and smiled apologetically.
"I'm so deeply sorry for the scene he has caused," I started saying while taking a quick glace at the small crowed that had gathered up to see what was going on. "You see Devin here forgot to take his happy pills for the day and when he doesn't get them on schedule he tends to get a bit grouchy. So if you will be kind and just let us go up to see his brother or he will do what he said he would."
He hesitated a bit but soon he lead us to the elevator and when the elevator doors opened he stepped in to put in the private key that would take us up to Daniel's penthouse.
"Please do not tell Mr. Maker I was the one who put in the key. I don't want to get fired," the man begged me before I took a step in.
"I won't," I replied as I got in and stood next to Devin.
When the doors closed all that could be heard in the small space was the faint music that was playing in the background. The silence was awkward and since I was me I decided to make it more awkward.
"So um. Are you going to want your food when we get home?" Currently the takeout bag was all lonely in the car probably already cold.
A bone in Devin's jaw twitched and I could see he was annoyed with the topic I had decided to talk about.
"Okay I know that what your brother did was wrong, like sleeping with your brother's girl is not nice, but couldn't you have come by yourself or something. I don't get the point in me being here. I could right now be eating the food you so rudely didn't let me finish while cuddled up in bed watching girl code or something on Netflix." Ugh now that sounds like a good idea. Oh also with some strawberry ice cream can't forget that.
He still didn't talk.
When the elevator finally reached Daniel's home Devin was the first to walk out and look around for Daniel. He opened a few doors and when he stopped at a locked door he started to pound his fist on it. I was surprised he didn't break it open.
"Open up Daniel!" Devin shouted.
I looked around the place and was surprised to see it was a pigsty. A whole bunch of files were piled up on a dining table and in the living room there were even more files. I wonder what he did for a living?
I walked over to the black leather couch that was set in front of a television set and moved a couple of files so I could take a seat. I looked around for a remote control and when I found the one that went to the TV I turned it on and surfed through some channels.
Twenty minutes later I was sprawled on the couch watching Girl Code upside down on the couch. I hadn't really been able to pay attention because of the loud angry shouts coming from were Devin had entered. I hadn't really gotten a chance to know who was shouting what since Devin's and Daniel's voices sounded identical. I briefly closed my eyes when my head started to hurt. Ugh! My blood isn't traveling well. I sat upright and when I did so Devin came walking out and left to the elevator while stomping his feet on the marble floor like a little four year old.
"Are you going to come or what?" He asked in a rather unpleasant way.
I nodded my head and did as told.
"What!?" Sidney exclaimed from the other end on the call making my eardrums almost burst from her high pitched holler.
"Yup," I casually answered.
When Devin and I finally arrived back home I went straight into my room and called Sidney to tell her everything that had gone down today.
"OMG! Do you know what this means? It means there's two hot Maker brothers in the world! How in the world had I never found out about him!? I read the tabloids everyday! Oh by the way nice picture that was taken of you and Devin. Okay anyway back to the main subject. You think you can get me a date with him?"
I stayed silent for a couple of seconds trying to process all her words and when I did I started to talk.
"Weren't you seeing someone?"
"Oh the guy I told you about when you were in Hawaii? Yeah well I took your advice and broke things of with him." She sounded pretty devastated but we both knew she made the right choice.
"I'm glad to hear you did that, but I don't know about the hooking you up with him. You don't know what he's like."
"Well you didn't know what Devin was like and you had to marry him. Correction you married his brother but his brother pretended to be him so does that mean you married Daniel or Devin? I'm so confused!" She huffed in frustration and let out an annoyed sigh.
"Sid I'm the one that got married and I don't even know who I'm officially married too. I'm living a life full of lies." I fell into my bed and couldn't understand why I didn't run away when I had the chance.
"I'm glad I'm not in your shoes," she murmured with a slight giggle.
"Lucky you. I'm going to go now I'm tired." With that I ended the call and then put my phone to charge.
I got up and went to change into some pajamas and then brushed my teeth. When I got back to my room my phone was flashing with an alert that someone had texted. I picked it up and opened the message only to regret it.
We need to talk. I Fucked up. ~Asher
How in the world did he find out my new phone number?
Okay so I have decided that Sundays will be my official update day, so beware of LAFL{that's Living A Fake Life's acronym} Sunday. Anyway hope you had a wonderful day please vote and comment. Bye(:

Living A Fake Life (Slowly Editing)
ChickLitI was forced into a marriage of my parent's choosing. Strapped down and saddled to a man who only cared about himself. I couldn't force myself out of the marriage because I had made a stupid move by signing a contract that I never knew about. Now he...