I tentatively tapped the steering wheel of my car. I didn't know what to think. I was lost. Asher was back in my life and now I felt like going back to the past and crying a river.
I hesitantly looked at the clock that was just above the radio set. It showed nine thirty. Right when I looked back up the light had changed to green. I stepped on the gas and sped to my destination.
As I drove to the coffee shop my thoughts kept on drifting off to how in the world Asher had gotten my number. Had someone gave it to him? Had he been looking up my information? Did he have that much power that he could find out my personal things?
My questioned haze ended when a car horn invaded my hearing making me step on the breaks as hard as I could.
I looked up and noticed I had almost hit a car while trying to turn. I mouthed a sorry and what I got back from the old man was his middle finger. I scolded and continued to drive with more caution that time.
When I had finally made it to the coffee shop I parked and got out of the car. I took off my sunglasses as I entered the small shop.
I looked around the empty place for my red haired friend who had so gladly accepted to have a girl talk with me.
I spotted her at a booth at the near back of the shop. I started to walk to the booth. As I walked my chucks squeaked on the tiled floor drawing the attention of a group of teenagers. The two girls who sat opposite of two football players eyed me curiously. I guess the outfit I chose to not attract attention did the opposite of what I hoped.
I looked away and tugged at the hem of my baggy white tee.
"What the hell happened to you?" Sidney questioned as she took in my current appearance.
Today I had no energy to even brush my hair into place. I threw on baggy everything. Baggy sweats. Baggy shirt. My eyes where even baggy since I didn't get the opportunity to have a good night's rest.
I'm pretty sure the black bags under my eyes where what Sid was starring at since she hadn't blinked for sometime now.
"Earth to Sidney," I said while snapping my fingers in front of her freckled face.
"Sorry," she mumbled. "So is there a specific reason you called at seven in the morning and you come walking in looking like this." She gestures to my getup and I give her a small scowl.
"Asher," I state plainly while huffing.
"What?" Sid gives me a flabbergasted expression.
"The reason I called is Asher," I answered. She gave me an annoyed look and folded her arms as she leaned on the cushioned seat.
"So your telling me the reason I took time away from my beauty sleep was because you wanted to talk about a backstabbing man whore of an ex," she said plainly.
I looked down at my nails and gave her a small nod.
"Sam what happened?" She asked with a hint of concern in her voice.
"He texted my phone. I know it doesn't sound like it matters but it does. He somehow got my number and this just puts me on a new stress level." I pinched my nose as I told Sid about the text. When I showed her the text Asher had sent me last night Sidney grew red from anger. I could tell she wanted to do something to him at that moment.
"He is such a fuck up thinking he can just waltz eighth back into your life after what he did... after what happened!" She proclaimed. Her loud comment gathered up a couple of onlookers. They stopped and just stared at Sid as she broke into an enraged ramble. She promised she was definitely going to kill him.
"I know," I said as I tried hard not to think about the past.
"I mean it. Now give me your phone," she commanded. I gave her a worried glance as I placed the phone in her open palm.
She fiddled with it for a bit and then placed it on her ear as if calling someone. I found out she was when the ring started.
"Who are you calling?" I exclaimed as I attempted to reach for my phone.
She put up a figure indicating that I have to wait and be calm. I huffed and did as she wished.
"Asher darling...... Yes this is she....... I'm glad to hear how enlightened you are to hear my voice again after so many months....... Oh you haven't forgotten what happened to you after you made my dearest friend cry I see.......... Yes she's here.... No she doesn't want to talk jerkwad...... Whatever so anyway the reason I decided to make this very friendly call was not to chit chat but to explain to you that your a worthless piece of shit that Samantha would never take back, especially since she just married a multi-billionar who I have to say is H-O-T hot!....... I see...... No that was all..... Yes she never wants to hear from you..... Oh before you hang up I just want to let you know that if you contact her again we will report your stalker like behavior to the police." With that Sidney hung up the phone and handed it back to me.
"Your welcome," she said with a huge smile plastered on her face.
"Gosh your an amazing and very extra friend."
"Best friend," she corrected while pointing a figure at me.
"Yes. Your an amazing best friend."
"So you want to order anything? Coffees on me," Sidney said as she stood up from the booth.
"Just regular coffee," I responded.
"Got it."
Sorry I wasn't able to update last Sunday I was pretty busy. Please vote and comment. Bye.

Living A Fake Life (Slowly Editing)
ChickLitI was forced into a marriage of my parent's choosing. Strapped down and saddled to a man who only cared about himself. I couldn't force myself out of the marriage because I had made a stupid move by signing a contract that I never knew about. Now he...