I walked down stairs to be engulfed with a pool of envelopes scattered across the foyer.
I eyed the letters with curiosity. I finished decending the steps and intently picked up one of the envelopes. It was pink and a sent of roses wafted up to my senses. I kind of chocked when it started suffocating my insides. Who in the fucken world would do such a weird gesture like this?
I turned the envelope around and all that was writen on that side was Devin in a feminine type of cursive that also held a heart instead of a normal dot for the i.
I ripped open the envelope not giving a damn if Devin got mad at me for reading his personal mail.
Dear Devin,
Oh how I have seen you on magazines and on the news.
A voice at the top of the stairs cleared their throat and instently I felt like a deer caught on head lights, but I just smirked at Devin and continued to read the letter in a high pitched voice to be sure he heared me.
"I'm sooooo proud of you Devin. Oh how I just wished I could marry you and have your children. I would be your wife and I would let you do anything to me. Winky face." I bursted into a fit of laughter as I atempted a sexy wink to Devin's direction. He instently snatched the letter from my hands and pocketed it.
"Now I would love to stay hear and read the rest of these fangirls love letters proposing you marrige but we have somewhere to be." I pointed to the time on my phone. I put it up to his face when he didn't move.
"I'm not blind Samantha. I was just distracted," he trailed off pointing to all the pink flower scented envelopes.
"If I may ask. Do all these fans of your know where we live? Because if so I'm pretty damn sure they want me dead since I took their imaginary boyfriend or should I say husband." Oh shit what if that really happened. RIP past wife of Devin Maker who was trampled by a school of angry jealous women.
I shuddered at my own pathetic death. Oh well I better start that bucket list I started in high school just in case.
"It's mail that gets sent to my company from, as you call, my fans." He put air quotes around, my fans. "Then my private secretary sends them here."
Well that must be a hard job.
"Why are they all over our foyer?" I asked. Didn't his secretary have the decency as to put them in a bag or something?
"There here because the bag ripped while I was brining it in," he said while pointing to the tarnished black trash bag next to the door. Well hey look at that, how did that magically get there? I hadn't noticed it and that was surprising since it was on clear display.
"Ohhh," I uttered to myself while scatching my head.
"Are you ready?" Devin asked. I looked at him in confusion. Ready for what? As if he could read my head he answered, "Lunch, with your grandparents."
"I knew that and yeah I'm ready."
Devin eyed me up and down making me feel uncomfortable. His gaze was intense and he would stop and stare a little to long at some places.
"Your wearing that." He pointed to my outfit. I guess he didn't aprove of my white cat sweater, black leggings, and white chucks paired off with a black purse I had randomly chosen.
I nodded my head at him and he took one more disaproving look my way before walking out of the house.
I surpressed a giggle as he got into his white convertible. He was going to feel so out of place in his black Armani suite when we got to my grandparents.
I was so right earlier.
Here we where standing infront of my grandparents as they greeted us in.
Devin, who might I add was the only formal looking one. My grandfather was dressed as casual as ever along with my grandmother.
"Oh come in, come in. Lunch is being prepared as we speak. Lets go chat out side at the porch." My nana walked us into her luxury home and lead us to a back door that went to the backyard.
"Sit," she said as we approached a table on the porch. We all took a seat. Devin sat next to me while my grandparents sat vertical from us both.
"How's your husband treating you Sammy?" My papa asked while glancing at Devin for a split second.
"Wonderful. He's so loving and adorable," I said lying straight through my teeth. My grandparents didn't know about our arranged marrige and my parents where intended to keep it like that. They didn't want a funeral on their hands and neither did I.
"How about you Devin. What do you think about our lovely granddaughter?" My nana asked.
"She's a wonderful young lady. She's everything I could ask for." Devin slipped a hand around my waist and tugged me to him. He craddled me and kissed my hair tenderly.
Even though his words were not true and I knew he would never mean them they touched my heart and made kittens pur in my stomach. Why was he making me feel this way? For damn sakes, he's a player who's into whores that are willing to spread there legs at any moment and won't mind a one night stand.
"Your such an adorable pair. I hope you last for eternity," my nana dreamed as she placed a hand over her heart and looked at our conected bodies in awe.
Keep hoping nana because that wish of yours won't last for eternity. Saying that to myself made me feel a stab to my gut. Oh shit. Nope I was so hallucinating. I couldn't feel hurt because Devin and I would one day split. Nope I don't. Maybe I ate something bad for breakfast that was making me have all these weird feelings.
Yet by the end of the day I knew it wasn't something bad I ate but it was feelings I was starting to feel for my husband who was more restricted to me then open. Those feeling would only cause trouble then bring good. I had to figure out a way to get rid of them.
Picture of Samantha's outfit to the side or up, blaaa wherever it is cxx. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and comment your thoughts and feed back. Oh and before I say bye thank you so much for all the reads, votes, and thoughtful comments. I also wanted to say I changed the cover and the summery go check them out. Bye (:

Living A Fake Life (Slowly Editing)
ChickLitI was forced into a marriage of my parent's choosing. Strapped down and saddled to a man who only cared about himself. I couldn't force myself out of the marriage because I had made a stupid move by signing a contract that I never knew about. Now he...