I held onto the cool metal of the railing as I looked down to the main entrance of the house. Devin stood on his phone with a luggage next to him.
"I'll be arriving tonight...Meet me at the bar of my hotel... Yeah, I'll be staying there... Okay, I'll text you the address... Make sure you're there at nine pm sharp." Devin hung up his cellphone when he was done, commanding the person on the other end of the line. He pocketed it and soon picked up his black leather briefcase. He opened it and soon started shuffling through it. I guess he was making sure he had everything he needed. He then closed it and put it down.
The clacking of heels coming from the living room made me turn my head.
Out came Devin's mom in a black thigh length skirt and a white button up. Her blonde hair was tied up in a high ponytail and her blue eyes stared at Devin's figure.
"I hope you can keep your word Devin." Her strict tone could cut ice, but Devin didn't seem to notice. Maybe he did, but just ignored it.
Devin gave her a sly smile and nodded.
"I mean it, Devin. One screw up and you're in deep trouble with your father and I. I don't want to see you on the cover of another magazine that you were caught drunk in your car making out with a nobody." Her face was hard and I could see she was mad. "You keep your word because you signed that contract, or should I say your brother did." A small gasp escaped me. His mother knew?
Devin's face turned emotionless as he heard what his mother knew.
"You really should have prepared Daniel a bit more to play you. I could smell the lie from a mile away that that wasn't you. Now, tell me one thing that I still could not put into the puzzle. Where did you go? All I was able to get out of that driver of yours was that you went to the airport and left town. He really is loyal to you, isn't he?" She had a hint of sarcasm when she said her last sentence. I was all ears too when she asked Devin where he had been. I wanted to know as much as her, maybe even more.
Devin's jaw clenched as his mother stared straight at him putting him on the spot. There would be no way of him getting out of her steel gaze.
"I went out of the country."
"Where would out of the country be?"
"Sicily, okay. I wanted a break from your stupid arrangements." Devin looked mad as he said those words.
"Maybe next time be at your own wedding at least. I would also like to know what you have on Daniel that he would agree to be you for three months." Mrs. Maker crossed her arms and tapped her foot on the white marble floor.
"I have to leave now or I will arrive late to New York. Goodbye, Mother." He grabbed his things but before he could go anywhere, his mother stopped him.
"Aren't you going to say farewell to your wife like a good husband should?"
At the mention of me, Devin looked up and caught me red handed. Now he was going to know that I had heard their whole conversation. He stared at me motionless. His mother noticed him staring and brought her own gaze towards me.
"Samantha dear, come down please." Damn it I should have made a run for it when I could.
I gave her a tight smile and walked down the long staircase.
"You look beautiful as always, doesn't she Devin?"
"Thank you Mrs. Maker," I said to her.
"Call me Julia, dear."
I nodded to her and then looked at Devin.
"Don't you have something to say?" Julia asked Devin.
Devin turned towards me and gave his mom a quick glance before speaking. "Goodbye, Samantha."
He opened the door and was finally able to leave without his mother saying anything else.
His driver was waiting for him by a black BMW. He got in and as soon as his things were put away, the car left the driveway.
Julia closed the door and looped her arm in mine.
"Let's go drink some tea that I had prepared for us."
"Aye SamySam, pass the stuff," Sidney whispered as she held out her hand to me.
"Are you sure you can handle it? You've already had a lot," I whispered back with a silly smile.
"For fuck sake just pass it over."
I giggled at her outrage. I got the bag of cola gummies from the coffee table next to me and handed them over.
"See it wasn't that hard."
"Just save some for me. You're already at four bags all alone." I turned to her and saw her stuffing her mouth with them.
"I said save some, Sid!" I leaned over the stack of cushions separating us and tried to reach for the bag.
"Shhh!" She hissed as she pointed to the television screen where The Notebook was playing. "This is my favorite part."
I went back to my side and grabbed a bag of hot fries. I munched on them loudly to annoy Sid. If I wasn't getting my cola gummies back, I wasn't going to shut up while her favorite part was on.
"Fine, here." I smiled brightly when she passed the bag of Happy Cola to me. I eagerly started eating the remaining of them.
When the movie ended, Sid turned towards me and asked, "So what are you going to do now that you have time to yourself?"
"I don't know. He's going to be gone for a week and until then, I'm free and have this whole house to myself."
"Don't throw parties like you did in high school when you had your house all to yourself."
I laughed as the memories of my high school parties came into mind. They where fun and all, but the cleaning up the next day was a huge turn off.
"Trust me I won't."
Sidney and I stayed in my room watching chick flicks all night long, until we both passed out in front of the television.
The next morning, Sidney left and I was all alone in this huge house. I roamed the halls for a couple of hours trying to make time fly faster. I came to a lot of interesting rooms. The room that caught my attention the most was one with a locked door at the end of the hall where Devin's and my bedroom were.
I left the door alone after attempting to open it many times and left for my room in hopes that maybe later on I would be able to open it.
Hmm... That locked door looks interesting.
What do you guys think is behind that door? Comment it.
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Living A Fake Life (Slowly Editing)
ChickLitI was forced into a marriage of my parent's choosing. Strapped down and saddled to a man who only cared about himself. I couldn't force myself out of the marriage because I had made a stupid move by signing a contract that I never knew about. Now he...