Blue eyes stared back at my own. Big and round. Just like mine, they were filled with so much joy. A giggle erupted from her lips and her rosey cheeks flushed even more. A pink bow was placed on her head that was covered in short, dark hair. She was wearing a pink dress that was covered in white flowers at the bottom. She looked adorable more than I could ever imagine.
"She's just as beautiful as her mother," Devin muttered by my ear.
I looked up at him and scowled.
"What? It's true," he said with a chuckle.
I turned away from him and looked at the middle aged couple looking at our every move.
"Thank you for letting me see her and thank you for coming all the way from Tampa," I said to both of them.
"It's nothing, we came here today since our nephew is playing. My sister practically begged us to come." She laughed so I laughed. It was the nice thing to do even if I didn't find it funny.
"But it was a pleasure to meet you both, Mr. and Mrs. Maker." Mr. Gregory shook both our hands and told his wife it was time to go sit down. Mrs. Gregory took the stroller and they were out of sight.
"They seemed...pleasant," Devin murmured when they were out of earshot.
"What do you mean by pleasant?"
"Stuck up."
I stared at Devin with wide eyes.
"That's pretty rude to say."
"I'm sorry, but it's true just by the way they walk, talk, and stare at us like we're from another planet. Seems stuck up to me," he said brushing off my comment.
I did have to say they didn't seem too enlightened to see us when we approached them. They also stared at me with an unreadable expression as I took in the sight of Bella. Devin was right. They did seem that way, but we didn't know who they really were so he definitely shouldn't be making false accusations.
"The match is about to start. Let's go find our seats." Devin took my hand in his, and walked us to the tented areas where there were seats placed to give a good view of the pollo match.
When we found our seats, we sat and I looked at the person's name on the chair next to me. Sidney's name was written out.
I looked around trying to find her, but I had no sight of where she was.
Pablo soon came walking though the small aisle, acknowledging Devin and I. I smiled at him and he did the same. When he looked at Devin hoping to get the same gesture, he got none. Devin was looking at the piece of paper that was previously on his chair as if it were more important than his friend. Pablo shook it off and sat on the other side of Sidney's chair.
After a couple minutes, Sidney showed up with a frustrated expression. She sat down with a huff and crossed her arms. She slouched in her chair and looked out to the field.
I pocked her cheek and her frown deepened.
"What happened this time?"
"I'll tell you later."
When I noticed she was not going to talk, I sat straight in my chair and looked at the field.
"I guess it is true what they say about red heads, that you guys are angered easily." I turned when Pablo spoke. He glanced at Sidney and smirked at her when she scowled at his remark.
"It's also true that we can kick pretty hard," Sidney retorted back.
"Never heard that one."
"It's because our victims never live to tell." She cocked her head and gave him a sweet smile. I surpressed a snicker. They were acting like children and it was amusing.
Devin's POV
I watched as Samantha's friend and Pablo argued. A quick flash past Pablo's eyes and I knew what that ment. He was fonding over her. It had to be how she didn't even care about who he was and just talked back to him.
I diverted my eyes from them and looked over to Samantha, who was turning red from holding in her laughter. A smile laced her lips. The same ones I had kissed. Only to be slapped by the owner of those lips.
I had to say that was uncalled for and I thought she would fall for it and kiss me back. My thoughts backfired in my face, literally.
I should just explain to my father what is going on, and make him not take away the company from my hands if we get a divorce. She was determined to get those papers.
I looked away when my cellphone started vibrating in my pocket. I took it out and read the text that Melody just sent me. She just didn't understand from our conversation that I wanted a break. She was furious when I told her that. She even said that Samantha must've had something to do with my change of heart which she kind of did, only not in Melody's perspective.
I pocketed it back in and just sat in my chair.
When the game was over, I walked alongside Pablo while Samantha and her friend walked in front of us.
"Your wife has a good looking friend," Pablo said while checking her out from behind.
"I've never noticed."
"Of course, you only have eyes for your wife. I wouldn't blame you, she is something," he said while wiggling his eyebrows.
I gave him a hard stare and walked faster, making sure to leave the big mouth behind.
"Take a joke," he said as he caught up to me. "Hey, help a friend out and ask Samantha for her friend's number for me."
"Why don't you ask her yourself?"
"She's not too keen with me."
"If the poor girl doesn't like you leave her alone."
"But that's it, I can't."
We continued walking and when we reached where our cars were, Pablo went in for the swoop and took Sidney to talk. Samantha and I got in the car, waiting for her friend to come back since we were her ride.
When she came back, she talked with Samantha in a low whisper. Before I knew it, she left with Pablo. He sure was a persuasive motherfucker.

Living A Fake Life (Slowly Editing)
ChickLitI was forced into a marriage of my parent's choosing. Strapped down and saddled to a man who only cared about himself. I couldn't force myself out of the marriage because I had made a stupid move by signing a contract that I never knew about. Now he...