chapter 1

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It was Naruto's 5 birthday. He woke up took a bath dressed up then he walked down the strets of konaha. He was getting glares from the villagers a he saw his Best friend, Sasuke Uchiha and his big brother Itachi Uchiha. Sasuke had remerd it was Naruto's birthday. He gave him a gift rapped very well . Naruto tore the present open and sow it was a locket whith  his and Sasuke's photo. Naruto smiled  gave Sauke a hug and said thanks.then Itachi said they need to hurry up, because there mother was ruthless when they come home late , they then ran home and left Naruto alone.

Naruto was going to his favorite shop ichiraku ramen . On his way he was given glares by the villagers and started calling him
Whispering that loard Hokage dose care about our safety by letting the dimon Leve in the village. They started throwing food rotten fruit and vegetables.

Naruto ran to ichiraku. Naruto had arrived at ichiraku ramen , he saw his to favorite people Ayame and old man Tauchi. The both wished him happy Birthday and as a gift they gave him free ramen for the day . Naruto was so happy he order twenty bouls of ramen, Teuchi said coming right up it was twenty minutes. When Teuchi set the bowls on the table Naruto inhaled the bowls of ramen, Naruto said thanks and left the shop.

He jumped from roof to roof avoiding the villagers. He then reached his house and saw it was a mess the villagers turned upside down. Naruto parformd the shadow clone jutsu and 500 Naruto's appeared ,it took him a hour to clean his house. Just when he thought he was finished the villagers broke his dore and they started attaching him the threw shuriken, kunai and nives. He tried to hide but he always got found, a hyuga activated his biyakugan and hit Naruto multiple times when they finished, harting him they all left. Naruto found him self in a sour and asked where am I . He had a deep voice said follow the sound of my voice Naruto followed it and sow a nine tailed fox. Naruto asked were am I your in you mindscape. Who are you Naruto asked  , The nine tayled fox . Naruto what are you doing in my body. The fourth Hokage sealed me into you the kuyubi said. Did you know my parents? Naruto asked. Yes i do the kuyubi answered . Who are they Naruto asked . Your mother is Kushina Uzumaki and your father is the fourth Hokage Minato Nimakaze the kuyubi answered. There were a few moments of silence , then Naruto smiled and said that's awesome, then how did they die Naruto asked the kuyubi. I killed them when I was under the control of Madara Uchiha , one of the founders of konaha. Naruto was silent. Kit kuyubi said he didn't get a answer . When Naruto spoke up it's ok can we be friends . Why I killed your parents and you want to be friends with me you are not mad at me and hate me . Naruto said yes you're under the control of Madara Uchiha, what's your name. No one has ever asked me my name before kuyubi said and said Kurama. My name is Naruto are we freinds now Naruto asked. Yes Kurama said. You need to escape this reached village village and go somewhere where you are treated as a equal Kurama said Naruto agreed and changed his minscape to a forest . Thanks kit Kurama said . Do you know any villages around Naruto asked . Kurama said yes bamp fists whith me so I can talk to you any time. Naruto bamped fists and got out of his mindscape.

Word count 626

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