Chapter 17

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Blood style blood shuriken. Said Naruto.

The blood on the ground came up speend rapidly and went to some of the nin.

Blood style huh. Said Onoki.

Yes he has more tricks up his sleeve. Said Crow.

You are not going to leave me behind. Said Sasuke. Kirin! Shouted Sasuke. A dragon made out of lightn come from the sky and striked the enemy.

1000 left said Naruto.

So as many as we can take down. Said Sasuke.

As many as we can. Said Naruto.

Sasuke let some of his blue chakra cover  Naruto let his red. The ground started shaking and some of the earth rise.

Shit. One of the nicest nin said.

They all took of to the hills.

Coward shouted someone.

Naruto and, Sasuke appeard in front of them.

Let's finish this. Said Naruto.

Black lightning style. Said Sasuke

Fire style. Said Naruto

Black Kirin. Said Sasuke

Blue flame slice. Said Naruto in unison.

A black dragon appeard from the sky and struck.

Blue flames were slashed from, Naruto sword.

I didn't want to get my hands dirty. Said a Man In a black Cloak with red clouds.

Shin then let me handle it. The other Akatsuki member said.

I can't let you have all the fun Kisame. Shin said

Who are you? asked Naruto.

they started introducing themselves.

Sasuke you should take Kisame. sugested Naruto.

You take him said Sasuke.

Ok. Said Naruto.

You brats we are going to teach you a lesson. Said Both Akatsuki members at the same time.

I hope you know what they can do. Said Sasuke.

Yes I can. Said Naruto.

They both jumped in front of there opponents.

          Naruto's fight
Don't get cocky. Said Kisame

I will try. Said Naruto mockingly.

Water style Water prison jutsu. Said Kisame.

In the nick of time Naruto. He appeard behind Kisame slashed, his hand off.

Your going to pay for this brat. Said Kisame.

         Sasuke's fight.
Sasuke took out a kunai and threw it at Shin.

He doged.

Shin gave Sasuke a kick to the ribs. Sasuke coughed out blood. Sasuke threw him a punch to his face.

You dare punch the legendary Shin U. Before he could finish his sentence he had been bleeding all over his chest.

He is fast. Thought Shin.

    Back with Naruto
Let's go Shin we might get a ear full from,Kakuzu we will be still alive! Shouted Kisame grabbing his cut off hand.

This is not over. Said Shin while running.

That was easy. Said Naruto.

Ya. Said Sasuke.

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