chapter 3

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Naruto woke up and asked where am I
You are in a hospital kit. Kurama said

How did I get here. Which village am I in . Naruto asked

You are in the hidden waterfall. Kurama said

A nurse came in and asked kid are you okay?

Yes I am. Naruto said

Do you want to become a citizen of Taki. The nurse asked

Yes I do. Naruto said

What's your name ? The nurse asked

Naruto uzumaki. Naruto said

How old are you . The nurse asked

5 .Naruto said

Ok you now go to the longest tree in , the village and say you want to see shibuki . The nurse said.

Naruto nods and walks out .

The strets of Taki
Naruto was walking down the streets and noticed, that he was not being glared at by the villagers. He was so happy about that.

He reached the tall tree and said I want to see shibuki. Naruto said

The secretary said go straight up on the last floor. The secretary and.

Thanks. Naruto said.

When he reached he knocked the door.

Come in . Shibuki said

Hello. Can I be a member of this village. Naruto asked

Shibuki said yes but I want to ask you a few questions and fill out this form.

Naruto agreed.

what's your name. Shibuki asked

Naruto uzumaki. Naruto said.

How old are you .Shibuki asked.

5 years . Naruto said

Which village did you come from? . Shibuki asked

Konaha . Naruto said

Why did you leave . Shibuki asked.

They treated me like scum. Naruto said.

Sign this and you will be a member of Taki. Shibuki said.

Ok. Naruto sighnd.

Ok here is 30 Ryo use it well .I will look for a house for you. Shibuki said.

Thanks and Naruto left.

Naruto went to a shop asked how much is bread?. Naruto asked.

3 Ryo. The shop keeper said.

Give me 3 of them . Naruto said.

The shop keeper gave him .

Naruto paid him and left.

He heard a screem down a alie he went and sow a girl being beaten by some villagers .

Naruto. Why are you beating he

One of the villagers said because she is a demon. She is the seven tali's.

Naruto was sappy (sappy is sad and happy)

Naruto got mad performed a Rasengan and threaten he , will kill them if they don't leave.

The all ran away scared.

Naruto helped her up treated her wounds and asked if she is okay.

She asked why are you helping me didn't you hear them i am a demon, who sent you. She asked

No one I am like you I have the nine tailes. Naruto said

There others like me? . She asked

Yes. Naruto said.
Do you want to be friends? Naruto asked

She said yes.

My name is,Naruto uzumaki.
Naruto said

What's your name? Naruto asked

My name is Fuu .she said

Can I please leave whith you?
Naruto asked

Yes sure we have to tell shibuki first . Fuu said

Word count 496

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