chapter 14

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Begin. Said Hayate.

Just give up you will lose. Said Tamari proudly.

Someone sounds confident. Said Fuu whith a smile.

Tamari pulled out her fan first moon. Tamari said swingi her fan a gast of wind went to Fuu.

Head Hunter jutsu. Said Fuu. She dissaperd under ground.

A few minutes Tamari went under ground while Fuu came out.

How is your Fan going to help you out? Asked Fuu mockingly.

Are. Was Tamari's response.

Give up said Fuu placing her katana on Tamari's neck.

Never she said.

Fuu perced her neck a little bit.

The match is over  winner is Fuu. Said Hayate.

Fuu and Tamari walked up the stairs.

Good job Fuu-chan said Naruto.

Thank Naru-kun. Said Fuu.

Round two Neji vs Shiro. Said Hayate.

The two trumped down.

Begin. Hayate said.

Your destiny is written. Said Neji.

Your still saying that crap. Said Shiro.

Let's fight. Neji said activating his biyakugan.

Want to end the fight so early. Said Shiro.

       At the competitor box.

We have been given the signol. Said Garra in there mental link.

How long do we have asked Naruto.

60 seconds. Said Garra.

I'll count down. Said Fuu.

Roll call. Said Naruto.

Bee and me are with Rikage. Said Yugito in her low key voice.

We're here entering the village. Said Han in his deep voice.

Am with Yagura in the kage box. Said Utakata.

Am in the spectator box with Akane,Karin and Sakura. Said Shisui.

I hope you told captain about the invasion. Said Naruto.

I did the force is ready.

I am here with Fuu Naruto and the sand sibblings. Said Sasuke.

Am I the arena. Said Shiro.

Akane, Sakura. Help the medical core. Yagura,Yugito, B, Garra. Stop the sound 4. Fuu,Han,Roshi, help evacuate the cevilians. The rest protect the village. I will deal with Orochimaru.

10,9,8. Fuu said.

It's almost happening. Said Naruto.

3,2,1,0. Fuu said.

When Fuu finished counting all hell broke lose.

Go. Said Naruto mentally.

They all went to there respective job's.

The sound 4 were about to put a barrier around the Hokage's. When the team to eliminate them appeared.

You can't stop lord Orochimaru's plan said Tayuya.

Stop the crap. Said Yugito.

They  knocked them and out.

     With the Hokage's
Sarutobi sensei. Said a woman.

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