chapter 12

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You have 1 hour  to finish your test there 10 questions I will ask u tenth questions at the last 15 minutes. Ibiki said. Begin he said

These test is to easy the Taki Genin said in there head they all finished.

What are we going to do about the attack on Konaha? Asked Fuu.

I won't be used as there wepon thanks to Naruto I be friended Shukaku. Said someone.

Garra you are here good. Naruto said

When are we going to have the face to face summit? Asked Garra.

At the same place. Said Naruto.

At the festival before the final round of the exam. Said Shiro.

We meet at the usual location. Naruto said. And we should be careful after those root ANBU yesterday. Said Naruto

Kit his about to ask the final question. Said Kurama.

Thanks far ball said Naruto.

Back in the real world.
If you fail this question you will never take the Chunin exams again. Said Ibiki.

Why asked Kiba

Because many people here are in, have reapeted more than one time, so if you're not sure about you'll pass you can live. Said Ibiki.

A lot of teams left.

You all pass. Said Ibiki.

How asked Kiba.

Because you didn't back out.

A banner came in Heald by a kunai.

The sexy single Anko mitarashi has arrived.

Brats meet me at the forest of death in 10 minutes. Anko said and jumped out of the window.

Naruto disappeared in a yellow flash.

Hi Anko. Naruto said scaring Anko

Naruto what was that for? Asked Anko.

Nothing am just griting a old friend. Naruto said and disappeared in a yellow flash.

When all the Genin teams arived

This is a survivor test we have two scrolls, if you want to pass you need to get a heaven and Earth scroll and you have to sing this waver if you die the leaf won't be in trabole. Said Anko.

All the team sighnd and got there scroll and went to there entrance.

         Gate 4 team Taki.
Let's win said Fuu.

the gate opend.

I sense a team. Said Naruto.

Wich direction asked Fuu.

East. Said Naruto.

Then a snake lick man appeared.

Orochimaru. Said Naruto

Well looks like am known Evey where said Orochimaru. Come with me Naruto for power said Naruto.

Naruto walked.

Naruto what are you doing? Asked Fuu.

Stay out of this said Naruto coldly.

Fuu stated to sob.

When Naruto reached the meedle. Earth style stone pistol shouted Naruto, a few, later he shouted fire style Phoenix flower jutsu. Fire realese flamed pistol.

The pistols hit Orochimaru. He then she'd his skin.

Do you think that can take me down? Asked Orochimaru.

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