chapter 19

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     Unknown location.
Naruto regained consciousness slowly . 

He noticed it was snowing and there were two unknown figures .

Let the fan said

For the next month he was totared.

He's hair currently looks like the cover of the chapter

He's right eye was covered. He's rinnagan  was always active.

After that he disappeared in a yellow flash.

   In konaha
Naruto appeared at the blue flames base.

He opened the door and was shocked to see no one there. He was used to at least have people.

What in fuck sake is going on? He shouted in his head getting a growl from kurama.

He spread his senses far enough to find their chakra he found them in their safe house in the middle of the land of wind.

He teleported there.

For fuck sake you can't leave our place in the leaf like that. He shouted.

He was received by hugs and handshakes from the blue flames members.

He explained his encounter with the otsosuki.

They told him their plans. But they had a bad feeling that Naruto has changed.

A month later
Naruto was having Madaras weapons on his back his mother katana on his right side and the light blade of the nimakaze. He was wearing amor like Madara's and the white fur behind his neck like Tobirama.

They found the villages in no man's land waiting for them.

I kindly request that we don't fight. Naruto said. Cause if we do your side will face the most loss. Said Naruto.

Arrogant brat we will show you our power. Said the rikage .

If that is what you want let us start. Said Naruto . Blue flames you know I can handle them alone but your here let's fight! Naruto said

The battle then begun ☠️

The leaders stood aside and watched as the fight took place.

With Naruto
He was currently fighting different shinobi.

Fire style great fire ball. A shinobi shouted.

Naruto jumped up only to see a punch coming for him. He immediately removed his sword and cut twenty men heads.

If it wasn't for this armor more would have died. Naruto said

This seems problematic. Said the rikage. Shibuki why would you kick out such a powerful brat! He exclaimed.

Leaders you honor me with a fight. Said the white haired man (Naruto) with a mock bow.

Show more respect for your elders. Yelled Onoki

Then let's fight. Said Naruto

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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