chapter 18

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Naruto started making a Rasengan saraunded by orange flames.

Sasuke made a onyx color chidori with black lightning.

Chidori, Rasengan. They both said while running to each other.

Before the two jutsu collided.

Stop! They both herard two familiar voices

They both took a turned there jutsu away from each other. They   created two big creaters.

What were the two of you thinking? The two girls asked.

H-hinata F-uu. Naruto and Sasuke said.

The two had two big tick marks on there head

This is bad. Naruto and Sasuke thought.

Oh yeah got to help Ibiki. Said Naruto with a sadistic smile dissapering in a yellow flash.

That bastard. Thought Sasuke. Oh I have to meet Itachi. Said Sasuke vanishing by shushin.

   With Naruto.
Ibiki so what village dose he came from? A dark blonde person asked.

Hidden cloud Inoichi. Said Ibiki.

Can we begin? Inoichi asked.

He received a nod.

Inoichi pulled his hand out

The hidden cloud shinobi started to choke.

Tell us what you know? ASKED Inoichi

P-p-plese stop I will tell you everything. Said the hidden cloud shinobi.

Speak. Said Inoichi in a dark tone.

Realising his tequnic.

I was sent to investigate. Said The cloud nin.

Investigate what? Asked Ibiki.

The blue flame hideout all the nation's to take down the blue flames apart from Kiri,suna and Konaha.

Do I do the honars? Asked Inoichi.

Let me do it. Said Ibiki.

Before can I talk to you. Said Inoichi.

Ok. Said Ibiki.

They left the room.

So they want to take us down. Said Inoichi realising his transformation.

Looks like it Naruto what are you going to do? Asked Ibiki.

Keep him alive.said Naruto.

Why? Asked Ibiki

I will change his memories. Said Naruto.


     At the Hokage office
Old fool why didn't you inform me earlier? Asked Naruto.

Insulting the Hokage is a crime said the ANBU commander as he and 6 more ANBU appeared.

Oh really. Said Naruto stabing the ANBU commander.

That treason killing our commander. Wolf said while 20 ANBU sarounded Naruto.

That's a bad idea surrounding me. Said Naruto.

"Seven slash of hell," said Naruto.

"You should stop killing my anbu" said the sixth.

"Then they should not surround me" said Naruto.

"What do you want u have a lot of work?" asked Fugaku.

"The villages are planning on attacking us and I don't want the leaf to be involved. Understood?" Asked Naruto.

I don't take orders from you" Fugaku said.

Listen fool the death rate will be high enough without the leaf" said Naruto vanishing.

  Blue flame HQ
Guys we are having a meeting tonight

That night
Can we start? Asked Pakura.

Not everyone has arrived, said  Naruto.

We have,said a figure.

Shikamaru, Choji, Zabuza, Haku and suigetsu brother. Said Naruto.

(What was his name I forgot)

We are about to go for war, said Naruto.

How are you still alive Zabuza? Asked Sasuke.

It was at our final battle

       Flash back mission to wave
Kakashi and everyone thought Zabuza was dead apart from Naruto.

He came back a few hours later nursed him back to health and made a deal.

When the time is right you will join my organization. Said Naruto

     Flash back end
As I was saying war will be declared on us in 2 month time by the 3 hidden villages and a few minor ones. Said Naruto in a serious tone.

What will we do Naruto-sama? Asked suigetsu.

Don't be a pussy we are the blue flames if rebirth. We can take down anyone! Exclaimed Karin.

Actually I have a..... Naruto was cut off . 

He saw two figures .

You are coming with us .said one.

As fast as they arrived is as fast as I they disappeared. With a unconscious Naruto


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