Chapter 13

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Sorry for the late update weighters block.

4 days later at the raining ground

This is the peipemenries here is Ware a specific few are chosen to go for- The Hokage was cut of.

Lady Hokage I want to take over. Said a man with a leaf headband and standard jounin atair.

Okay Hayate. Said the Hokage.

I am Hayate Geco the Procter of the final exam. For the final round where, important people are going to be seeing the match and if you won't have the balls for killing your opponent you can't pass , I will declare when the match is over when I feel like it so no arguing, when you're name appears on the, big screen you fight. Explained Hayate.

  The preliminary is over
The people who are prosiding to the Next round are.









Hayate said. Coughing.

The first match is .

Tamari vs Fuu.


The second match is.

Shiro vs Neji


The third match is.

Naruto vs kankuro.


The forth match is.


Sasuke vs Garra

The final round will start in a month.

At the konaha streets.
We should celebrate with ramen said Naruto.

We should all go for BBQ. Suggested Choji.

Yes that's a good idea said Ino.

Let's all enjoy our youth with dear friends. Said Lee with stars in his eyes.

They all became friends.
At the famous BBQ place

Congrats on going to the last part of the chunin exams. Said Tenten.

Thanks. Said Neji.

They enjoyed the food and went there separate ways.

So Naru-kun what should we do tonight? Asked Fuu.

Hold me I will take you to the best place in Konaha. Said Naruto.  They disappeared in a flock of Crows.

      On the forth's head.
It is beautiful. Said Fuu.

Yes it is. Said Naruto.

Fuu leand con Naruto's chest.

I love you Fuu- Chan. Said Naruto. Giving her a kiss on the lips.

I love you too Naru-kun. Said Fuu moving away from the kiss.

I have a surprise for you Hime-chan. Said Naruto. As the disappeared in a flock of Crows.

     At the Nimakaze estet.
Naruto what are we doing here? Asked Fuu.

What the hell what happened to everything? Naruto asked Kurama.

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