chapter Part 8

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Two Kiri nin jumped out of the trees.

These are the Demon brothers from the Mist.They are S class rogue nin. Sakura explained

Sasuke, Sakura and Sai take care of the bridge builder we will handle this two. Naruto said.

You wont be able to handle two S class Ninja alone! Sasuke shouted.

we will. Shiro Said with a smirk on his face.

The leaf team seven went into a defensive position around the bridge builder.

Fire style fire ball Jutsu!Naruto shouted.

Wind style great wind breakthrough! Fuu and shiro shouted

the fire was amplified to to the size of a medium village.

The demon brothers shouted. water wall.

A large wall mad out of water poped out of the ground. But the fire was to power full and large amount of steam spread, through the area.

At a bush

Did you know that your Gennins can use fire and wind style? Kakashi asked.

No i dint. Alex replied.

Back with the Gennin

Wind style wind dragon! Naruto shouted.

He cot the demon brothers of guard the dragon devourd them when the jutsu , worn out they were half dead.

How strong is that Taki team. Sasuke thought.

There was a puff of smoke the two jounin sensei were seen.

i thought your dead? Sakura asked.

they were just hiding to see how we worked work together . Naruto explained briefly.

How did you know they were there? Sasuke asked.

i sensed there chakra. Naruto said.

let me search there mind.Alex said. How many chakra natures do you have Naruto,Fuu and Shiro?Alex asked.

three each. Fu answerd.

and they are? Sasuke asked.

i have wind,water and lightning. Fuu answered.

i have wind, earth and lightning. Shiro said.

and i have wind, fire and lightning. Naruto said.

You have a quite unique team. Kakashi stated. They have all 5 chakra natures they will make, quite a fine team. Kakashi said with a eye smile.

Okay.Why are S rank missing nin after you. We were told this was a plain C rank of mission? Kkashi asked.

This S rank nin have been hired by Gato a big businesses owner who has been using the wave to to get money. He dose not want me finish the bridge, if i do he will lose all his profit.Tazuna explained briefly.

But why dint you say this is a A rank mission so we can send chunin or hire ninja? Kakashi asked.

The wave is a small village so we cant afford any higher mission charges . Tazuna said.

Dosent the wave have shinobi? Sakura asked.

the wave is a smal village far and surrounded by water so there is no need to have shinobi . Tazuna explained briefly.

Now that s all clear do you still want to continue with the mission? Kakashi asked.

yes we do all the gennin said.

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