Part 6

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They all dispersed .

With Naruto and Fuu

yo Fuu do you wand to get some Ramen?Naruto asked.

yes sounds great. Fuu said.

At the Ramen shop

Two extra large bowls of misu pork Ramen. They both said

coming right up. the ramen

when the ramen was served they inhaled it paid and went home

Naruto and Fuu bedroom

Naruto i am so happy to be a shinobi and most of all to be in the same team as you my best friend. Fuu said

Me too. Good night . Naruto said

good night

The next morning at training ground seven

Naruto Fuu and Shiro were ten minutes early, They were talking trying to get to know each other but Naruto and Fuu were worried because o f what Shiro said yeaterday

Naruto was wearing a black ANBU shirt ,black trouser ,white hood with the Uzumaki cymbal on his back , both hid hands and a katana strapped on his back , black shinobi saddles and his head band raped aroun his forehead

Fuu wad wearing a micro mini white skirt with slits on the side with a mesh amour underneath it, a micro white blouse with mesh amour underneath it, blue shinobi saddles , a katan on her back and her head band on he right hand.

Shiro was wearing a long white coat, a green shirt, a black trouser , black shinobi saddles , his sword on his waist and his head band raped around his forehead

8 o'clock . A hidden mist shinobi appeared with a puff of smoke. The hidden mist shinobi told them if they want to live they kill Naruto , if you do not i will kill all of you. The hidden mist shinobi said

I wont said Shiro

Then i will kill all of you. He tossed a kunai to Shiro and said this is your last chance kill Naruto and Fuu. The masked shinobi said .

I thought you said only Naruto? Shiro Asked

I changed my mind. Said the masked man

I wont . Shiro said

Then i will kill all of you . He created three shadow clones an they all shushed behind each gennin this is your last chance.

NO!. Shiro said. KIll me insted. Shiro said.

no just kill me . Naruto said.

Before we die i want to tell you the people i want to make there life a living hell are my parents not you guys, You and Fuu are the people who treated me as an equal , not a spoilt brat . Shiro said. Please spare my friends life . Shiro pleaded

You pass . the masked man said . In a puff of smoke

sensei that was you ? Team seven Genin said.

yes the point of the test was to see if you'll sacrifice your team mate for your own life. Alex said. do you want to start your first D rank mission? Alex asked

YES! the genin said.

100 D rank missions later

Ok you guys get some rest meet me at training ground 7 tomorrow at 9 Am for your firs C rank mission

Hia!. they all said in unison .

Dose anyone want lemons in the book please comment Yes or No

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