chapter 4

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Fuu and Naruto were running down the streets going to see shibuki.

They were received glares from everyone in the village.

Sorry Naruto . Fuu said

Naruto said it's okay.

When they finally reached shibukis office Fuu knocked on the door.

Come in. Shibuki said.
They both entered.

Naruto, Fuu what can I do for you? Shibuki asked.

I want to leave whith Fuu. Naruto said.

You Shure this is what you want to do? Shibuki asked.

Yes. Naruto said.

Fuu are you okay with this? Shibuki asked.

Yes I am. Fuu said.

Shibuki gave Naruto a copy of the key and Naruto and Fuu singhed some, documents .

Now you can leave together. Shibuki said.

Thanks. Naruto and Fuu said in unison.

Naruto and Fuu left to there house .

Naruto asked is this your house?

My house Don't you mean our house? Fuu asked.

Naruto scratched the back of his hair an gigled.

They entered their home.

Naruto thought that this place looks a lot like his place in konaha.

The place had a kitchen whith the dining room next to it, a nice medium sitting on bath and washrooms and a one bedroom that had a quuen sized bed

Naruto hasent noticed till now . He asked Fuu where am I sleeping ?

Fuu said With me ofcorse. She said.

Is that a little bit weird ?Naruto asked

She said not at all . Fuu anserd

Naruto said ok.

Naruto sat down and turned on the TV found a move and watched it whith Fuu.

Fuu moved closer to Naruto and rested her head on his chest and fell a sleep.

Naruto mind scape
Looks like you have a girlfriend kit. Kurama said

No she is just a friend .Naruto said

Hahaha I got you kit . Kurama said.

How have you been? Naruto asked Kurama.

Good kit

Do you want me to open the seal ? Naruto asked.

Yes kit. Kurama said.


Naruto opens the seal now he has kuyubi chakra mode.

Out of Naruto's mindscape.
Naruto noticed that Fuu was a sleep. He put her down gently on the couch whith out walking her up.

Naruto went to the kitchen and started cooking. He cooked some rice and BBQ,he entered.

He set the table and woke Fuu up.

Wake up sleepy head Naruto said.

What is it ? Fuu asked.

Super is ready. Naruto said.

You shouldn't have. Fuu said

We live together so I want to help anyway I can. Let's eat . Naruto said.

Ok. Fuu said.

They finished their food took there plates to the kitchen .

The food was delicious. Fuu said

Who taught you how to cook? Fuu asked.

I lived alone so I picked it up. Naruto said.

Naruto washed the dishes whith Fuu's company.

Naruto and Fuu went to bed told each other goodnight , as they cadlled

They both thought they should become shinobi.

Word count 490

Please comment any bad spellings.

Next chapter coming out soon

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