Untitled Part 7

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                                                                At training  ground seven

Naruto,Fuu and Shiro were an hour early. 

                                           Flashback the previous  day 

The previous day Naruto had said for Shiro to get some chakra paper because  if him or Fuu went they would be over prised.

ok i will go. Shiro said

So we will meet at training ground seven tomorrow at eight. Fuu Said

Me and Fuu will use the transformation jutsu to get some wind, fire, lightning, earth and water jutsu. Naruto said

ok Fuu and Shiro said.

                                                                    Back to the present

Take one paper each. Shiro said. Naruto you start. shiro said.

Naruto put a little chakra and it split into half one side burned and the other side rinckled.

looks like i got wind, fire and lightning.

Three chakra natures that s  rare. Fuu said

i will go next. Shiro said.

His paper split into two one half turned into dust and the other rincled.

you have wind, Earth and lightning 

Ok Fuu. You Go.Naruto said.

her paper  split int two then one side turned soggy and the other rincled .

ok lets make a hundred  clones and learn some jutsu from our respective natures . Shiro said

they all did that and took some scrolls

                             Twenty minutes later 

They had finished there mastering of there elemental chakra natures .

we have finished  the first part of our training.Naruto said and tossed some food pils to his teammates . Now it is time for summoning contracts. Nruto tossed a scrawl to Shiro and Fuu 

we have Chameleon toad and hawk. Now shoes which one you want. But we will all sign the toad contract .  Naruto said

Fuu singed the toad and chameleon. and shiro signed the hwak.

done they said. 

lets now do a collaboration attack. Naruto said.

What animals do you summon Naruto? Fuu asked

Me well i summon toad fox and crow.

how come do you have three summons Naruto. Shiro asked.

Well when i signed the Fox and crow contract they disapeard. Naruto explained.

ok. Shiro said.

Now lets do this . Fuu said.

they stated practicing there combination jutsu

fire style fire ball jutsu . Naruto shouted 

wind style great wind break through . Shiro and Fuu shouted

The combination of the two Jutsu the fire became  two times bigger.

                                                Ten minutes later  

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