chapter 16

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At the Hokage office
Fugaku we have finished the mission. Said Naruto.

How did it go? Asked Fugaku.

Well we took down Deidara and Sasori. Resqued the Kazekage. Explained Naruto.

Here is your pay. Said the Hokage

Thanks father. Said Sasuke

Your dismissed. Said Fugaku.

At there Base.
When they reached the base they saw some foxes, Crows and wolves.

Looks like we are going to be busy. Said Naruto.

Everyone pick a mission and we head out.

Fuu took a kumo mission. Sasuke a Kiri. Karin a ame. Naruto a iwa. Shiro konaha. Jugo a suna. Suigetsu a Taki

Naruto are you sure about a iwa? Asked Fuu.

Ya i know but this is not my first time going to Iwa. Said Naruto

We meet here when mission are finished. Said Shiro.

Sorry about not being able to see Hinata. Naruto apologized to Sasuke.

It's ok, why did you think I chose the short term mission. Sasuke said.

At the konaha Gates.
Be safe on your mission. Said Naruto.

We will. Said Fuu.

7nhours later at Iwa
State your business. Said A iwa gurd.

I have been called for a mission. Said Naruto.

What's your Name? The guard asked.

Naruto. Naruto said.

Stop bothering him. A woman said.

Sorry lady Kurotsuchi. Said the gurd.

Kuro-chan it's been a while. Naruto said.

Yes it has Naruto-Kun. Kurotsuchi said giving Naruto a hug.

So what's the mission is old man giving me? Asked Naruto.

I don't know. He just said come to my office with Naruto. Kurotsuchi said.

At the Tsuchikage office.
Yo old man. Said Naruto.

What did I tell you about calling me old man! Said old man.

Sorry old man Onoki. Said Naruto mockingly.

Naruto! Said Onoki.

What is the mission? Asked Kurotsuchi.

I want you two to escort me to a meeting with the Earth Dimio. Said Onoki.

Why don't you use your normal gurds? Asked Naruto.

That doesn't consern you said that Onoki.

He is just scared. Said Kurotsuchi.

Okay. When are we leaving? Asked Naruto.

Tomorrow. Said Onoki.

Later that day
That guy looks like,the yellow flash of the leaf. One of the shinobi whispered.

Yes he dose. Said his civilian friend

Do you want to get some Ramen? Asked Naruto.

You haven't changed a bit said Kurotsuchi.

Someone threw a kunai at Naruto. He doged it, went behind the person who,threw it placed his sword on his neck.

What did you do that for? Asked Naruto in his demonic voice.

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