[Request] (read notes pls) Dadzawa x in coma! daughter reader

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Request by waltzoflove
Took me like, two months? to get to this lol.

Additional notes ❔
• CRY OR ELSE I'LL HUNT YOU DOWN AND hug you because you're crying because of my threat.
• this whole oneshot will revolve around Aizawa's thoughts. just for u guys to know. :[
• albert is ur cat. deal w/ it sissy.
• italics + ** means a flashback :v

Edited 🐒


He'd sit by your bedside for hours on end. He didn't need anything, he didn't want anything. Anything that he did want, he was losing hope for. He tried to stay strong, but at times he'd slip. The struggle of fighting tears and the thoughts of regret running through his mind was becoming unbearable.

Was he impatient in waiting for you to wake up? Was it selfish for him to want to hear about your day at school? To walk home with you again? ..To have a second chance at protecting you?

He left you alone a minute too long and you were gone. He was confused, worried and frantically thinking. The worse case scenarios that played over and over again in his head became reality. When found, you wouldn't open your eyes, you wouldn't respond. It was as if you didn't even exist, as if you were a lifeless doll he had been playing pretend with.

Did you, by chance... have your memories? To keep with you and to replay when you felt lonely? Do you even remember him and what role he played in your life? You had to, right? He's your father. You had to..


He barely turned his head in response.

"Visiting hours are almost over."

He let go of your hand. "I'll be back, N/N. As soon as I can." He mumbled to you. He didn't know if you could hear him but in case you could, he wanted to make sure you knew.


He stood frozen. Memories overwhelmed him and it felt as if they split his heart in two.


"Dad! Albert ate fluffy!"



"What-- how do you know it was Albert?"

"Because! He was near the cage!!"

He hummed in thought and headed towards your room. You were following close behind. "See! See! He's not there anymore, Albert must have eaten him!!"

He got on the floor, looking under your bed then your dresser. "Really? Albert ate fluffy?"


"Then what's this?" He asked, holding up the lost hamster.


"You owe Albert an apology, n/n."

You pout, turning to Albert. "Sorry kitty."

"meow." "He forgives me, I think."

His breath became shakey as a few tears escaped his eyes. His head dropped into his hands, as he tried to shake away the memories that flooded his head.

"Dad, how would you react if I said I had a crush?"

He scowled at you. "On who? And I would react by banning you from dating."

"Well, there's someone at my school that I like!"

"I should probably transfer you."



"I don't wanna, then I wouldn't be able to see their smile."

"Good. Think of it this way, at least you would be saving someone from dying."

"No no no!!!"

"Okay, okay. I won't kill them, but just because I want you to be happy."

The memory of the smile you wore that day made him choke out a sob.

"Hey dad, guess what?"


"I applied and got accepted into U.A."


You could only stand in front of him, smiling brightly at your achievement. "Ar-are you proud of me?" You were nervous but excited and those mixed emotions built up in your heart and caused tears to freely fall.

He gently wiped the falling tears and placed a hand on your head. "I am. I am so very proud of you, y/n."



"Did you see what happened to that poor girl?"

"Why was she alone?"

"Where are the pro heroes?"

Where did you go?..

"She must be terrified."

"We should have helped her."

"It's too late now."

"It's too late."

"It's too late."

It's too late...

"Hey Y/N.." He quietly greeted you. Your same  silent response didn't surprise him. "It's been well over six months since the incident, and I've missed you every second."

He pushed stray hairs away from your face.

"Since then, I've spent every second of my day wondering when or if you'll wake up. I don't know if you can hear or remember me... but if you can hear me and if you.. you don't remember me.."

His hand dropped to his side as he hung his head low.

"I wanted to say..."

He managed to choke out, swallowing back the lump in his throat.

"Your dad misses you.. I.. miss your smile and your silly stories about what you and your friends did and-- and how your eyes lit up when you talked about someone special to you. Albert misses you too."

He laughed slightly, thinking about the calico cat. A few stray tears slipped down from his eyes but he quickly wiped them away.

"He lays at the foot of your bed every night, wondering where you went and when you're coming back.. often, I wonder that too."

He lifted his head with a smile on his face.

"Before I go, I wanted to tell you something else. It's that..."

His smile fell.

"I'm sorry.. and.. I can't wait for you to wake up.. I hope you'll remember me.. and to ensure you do.. I'll be here by your side."

He gently gripped your hand. "I love you, n/n."

He exhaled and let go, then turned to leave the room.

But... he couldn't.

You had gripped his hand.



Yea but no ur not awake, u just responded lol.


Lemme know if you want a part two of this or if you just want it to end as it is.


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